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Thread: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

  1. #81
    Van Enthusiast bushcat's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    I just bought an '85 Toyota Van, 194K miles. It has no service records, previous owner bought it from someone who had a folder of records which he didn't deem necessary to keep. He told me the seals were done by PO and that he kept up on oil changes while he owned it but otherwise has done zero work. Can I trust him? Who knows, but it drove back to my house just fine. One thing I know from my research on here, it needs a new thermostat.

    1. Oil change (10w30)
    2. I'm going to replace the thermostat (with an OEM) one and maybe an aftermarket gasket.
    3. Flush the radiator - never done this before but I want to remove any blockages.
    4. Going to inspect the hoses and see if they need replacing, anybody have a good active source?

    What else should I do as a new owner of a van with 194k miles that has zero maintenance records?

    I'm putting this here because I barely have basic van knowledge and I'm not sure what needs to be done. I can delete/move to appropriate thread if this isn't fitting.

  2. #82
    Van Enthusiast bushcat's Avatar
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    It's mentioned to buy the largest battery possible. What is the largest battery that will fit? I have a 1985. Thanks!

  3. #83
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Quote Originally Posted by bushcat View Post
    It's mentioned to buy the largest battery possible. What is the largest battery that will fit? I have a 1985. Thanks!
    I just did this: group 27 was perfect fit. You'll need to fashion a new strap down for bigger battery

  4. #84
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Quote Originally Posted by timsrv View Post
    Always best to replace those washers, but they can be reused in a pinch. Just make sure to check for leaks before putting the engine cover back on. I know the OE Toyota filters come with new copper washers, but not sure about aftermarket ones. You can always buy new copper washers as they should be available at any auto parts store. Just take an old washer and/or your banjo bolt down to help them match it up. Tim

    Also, if you have a butane torch handy, I find it best to anneal them also. Heating up the old copper washers expands them so they will crush when re-used.

  5. #85
    Van Addict trestlehed's Avatar
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Quote Originally Posted by PNW vanwagon View Post
    I just did this: group 27 was perfect fit. You'll need to fashion a new strap down for bigger battery
    I have had good luck with this battery as well.
    Napa Legend #7527 Group: 27
    1000 cranking amps
    810 cold cranking amps

    You will need some nylon straps to lower it in/pull it out of the battery bay.

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  13. #86
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    My service manual makes no mention of how to drain the power steering reservoir, only how to top it up. Is this simply unnecessary? I have been draining and replacing fluids one by one and figured this is something I should do eventually.

  14. #87
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    I usually pull the pressure feed line off the rack, put it in a jug, start the engine, and let it dump into the jug. I am in WA state though, and they don't salt the roads (undercarriages here are relitively rust free). If you have a rusty one, then I probably would avoid trying to remove. If you do remove, I'd recommend using a quality tubing wrench. Here's a link to a thread where this has been discussed: Tim

  15. #88
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Quote Originally Posted by timsrv View Post
    I usually pull the pressure feed line off the rack, put it in a jug, start the engine, and let it dump into the jug. I am in WA state though, and they don't salt the roads (undercarriages here are relitively rust free). If you have a rusty one, then I probably would avoid trying to remove. If you do remove, I'd recommend using a quality tubing wrench. Here's a link to a thread where this has been discussed: Tim
    Thanks Tim! I'm in BC so this should be a viable option for me. Cheers!

  16. 01-09-2020, 12:49 AM

    outdated information

  17. 01-09-2020, 04:47 AM

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  18. 01-12-2020, 10:04 PM

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  19. 05-30-2021, 02:08 PM


  20. #89
    Van Enthusiast 89van's Avatar
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Old thread but I haven't seen an in-depth diagram for doing your spare tire for vans fitted with leaf springs (4x4 vans and vans fitted with coil springs are unknown to me but may follow different jacking points/tire hold downs/ whatever else so do with this with a grain of salt; corrections are appreciated!!!) so I made my own for you fellow van owners out there who may be curious about this!
    Attachment 11178

    Found out about the spare tire from fooling around with tools and putting 2+2 together. Also, pictures of the factory jacking points sticker will be included tomorrow, lost sun tonight to get a good photo.
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  21. #90
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Nice drawings

  22. #91
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    Re: Basic Van knowledge for new owners

    Hello, I知 new here and am restoring and 86 van wagon that had been sitting for 6 years and I need to drain the gas. Anyone know if there is a plug or if I will have to siphon or pump it out? Thanks!

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