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Thread: Van Oil Filter recommendations

  1. #1
    Van Fan batook's Avatar
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    Van Oil Filter recommendations

    Newbie Toyota Van question here (I'm a Prev-head but looking at getting a TV). What oil filter do you all use on your TVs? I use Toyota OEM on my Previas, which spec the 90915-YZZD1, but I've found that the longer 90915-YZZD3 will easily fit, and I have a case of those on hand. Anyone know if I would I be able to use the YZZD3 on a TV too, or will I need a different filter entirely? Thanks, Eric.

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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    I use the Napa Gold filter and Mobil 1 10W-30 Full Synthetic in my Van. I'm starting to do my own oil changes on my Cobalt now and I also use Mobil 1 5W-30 Full Synthetic and the Napa Gold filter. The Napa Gold filters are made by WIX and are one of the best filters out there.

    I did compare the thread sizes and the diameter of the gaskets between those filters and they are the same. So I'm sure it'll screw on just fine. But to be on the safe side, I wouldn't recommend using a filter that's not specified for your engine.

  3. #3
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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    Thanks. Yeah Napa Gold is good and would be my second choice over Toyota OEM, but I really like Toyota's filters (made by Denso), they have a good silicone anti-drain back valve and use high quality filter media. I'll see if I can find what filter is spec'ed by Toyota for the TV. BTW, what is the oil capacity of the 4Y? Eric

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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    I think 3Y and 4Ys have the same oil capacity. I know on mine, I can get 4 quarts in.

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    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    Toyota intentionally makes oil filters confusing (they sell more filters that way). The ones they call out for vans are different from the ones they recommend for the Previas, but they are interchangeable. The Previa YZZD1 filter can be used in all years & flavors of the van. So if you're trying to use up those filters you're okay.

    If you are purchasing a filter specifically for a 2wd or a 4wd manual van, the YZZD3 is fine but Toyota recommends #15601-33021 (I like the 33021 better as it is bigger and will filter more particles before it plugs up). If you have an 87-89 automatic 4wd then I'd run the YZZD1 or perhaps even the YZZD3. The 33021 may fit, but there's less room for the filter due to the oil cooler. Tim

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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    I use K&N filters. I'll never go back to any other filter, even OEM.

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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    I happen to have all these filters here so I snapped a picture.

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    Van Fan batook's Avatar
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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    Awesome, thanks for posting that Tim. I bet that larger 15601-33021 would fit on the Previa too. Eric

  9. #9
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    Re: TV Oil Filter

    Here's a picture that might interest you. If you can get the 33021 on then you know you'll have room for the "sandwich" .

  10. #10
    Van Enthusiast gushaman's Avatar
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    what oil filter do you use?

    is a thread about this already, sorry, i couldnt find it.

    i am going to be using toyota oil filter #90915-yzzf1
    it is just like the japanese factory filter, but made in thailand

    from the factory in japan a brand new 4y engine comes with filter #90915-10004. it may be a higher quality filter, but its also over $15 to ship to the states. The Thai filter is still higher quality than most at auto parts stores according to some websites

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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    I use the Napa Gold (WIX) filters and I use full synthetic oil.

  12. #12
    Van Enthusiast gushaman's Avatar
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    It seems like most toyota oil filters will fit.even the prius filter, but it is a very short filter

  13. #13
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    I like to keep everything Toyota but I have used Wix (Napa Gold) in a pinch. IMO the Napa/Wix filters are just as good, but I like seeing the "Toyota" printed on the filter. About a year ago my Toyota dealer quit stocking the big 15601-33021 filter (for 2wd & 5 speed 4wd vans) & started giving me the small 90915-yzzd1 filter. The bigger ones are still available for order so I got a case of them. If you change the oil at regular intervals the smaller filters will do, but I like the bigger ones. There's more media inside & they flow better (less likely to plug up & bypass in the event of contamination). Also, I'm not sure about what other filters have the "anti drain-back" valve, but I know for sure the original van filters have them. This is important for any filter that mounts with the open side down (like our vans). Tim

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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    I use the Purolator PureOne oil filter - part number PL14670 for my '89 4WD.

    The are inexpensive ($5 at my local K-Mart) and are 99.9% efficient and incorporate synthetic media. See the following URL:

  15. #15
    Van Enthusiast gushaman's Avatar
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    montex, is that for a 4wd a/t?

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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    Yes. My van is an '89 4WD with automatic transmission.

  17. #17
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    It's been a coon's age since I posted, simply because my van has been running fine. I also find it frustrating that my personal knowledge gained with these vans (88' & 86') is not sufficient in helping fellow vanners on the forum. Thus, I've been silent. Anyway, I finally ran out of FRAM PH2825 oil filter sources! I know I've been ragged on repeatedly on this forum for using them, blah, blah. I went to my local Napa and they were out of the 1034's. So I went searching on the web for alternative filters. I ended up purchasing 3 Pentius PLB2825 filters from Rock Auto. The reason I'm posting is to ask if anyone is familiar with these filters? Rock Auto charged me $1.91 per filter, duh. But $9.00 S/H! Checking on eBay and you'll see a wild range of prices for these filters, e.g., from $2.20 up to $11.00! Go figure. Any comments.

    PS: Does anyone even remember this old fart? :-)


  18. #18
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    I thought I smelled you lurking around here . I'm glad you didn't die (never know with you old guys) . Glad to have you back . Keep on posting!!! Tim

  19. #19
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    I've been using whatever oil filter comes with the "oil change special" at my local Autozone, its usually either an STP or Bosch, both the larger size ones.

    I also picked up from Rock Auto at one point some Beck Arnley filters that were crazy cheap, also the big kind. I haven't used them yet.

    The way I see it, if I change the oil religiously every 3000 miles then it probably doesn't matter THAT much which filter I use. I could be wrong, but, this van just got me a 23mpg tank of gas the other day, of course thats 50mph back roads here in Maine, but that tells me my van is pretty happy!!

    '87 LE 4WD

  20. #20
    Van Fan foreverly's Avatar
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    Re: what oil filter do you use?

    How many different filters are there for these vans? Manual vs Auto / 2wd vs 4wd?

    I was using the small Toyota ones for my 87 2wd. But this time I picked up the Napa Gold & the filter they gave me was waaaay to big in diameter to fit.

    I ended up with a very long Purlator that is the same diameter as the yzzd1's that I was using. It seems pretty solid & has the anti-drainback.

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