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Thread: Intermittent starting with relay buzzing even with the key out after no-start

  1. #1
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    Intermittent starting with relay buzzing even with the key out after no-start

    Oddball electric problem that you may have seen me post on other forums if you read them...

    I got a '91 Previa a while back from a friend for a buck - she didn't want it anymore. Runs great, new tires, has had all the maintenance done on it all its life, etc. so really in great shape. Except for this electrical problem that's cropped up lately.

    The basic symptom is, I go out in the morning and try and start it, and for a fraction of a second, the dash lights come on and the 'fasten seat belt' chime starts, and then it all goes dead. Just your normal lights, nothing special, plus I hadn't put the belt on yet.

    The first few times this happened (about once every week or so), I'd just wait 5-10 minutes, try again, and it would start up no problem. The only oddity is that when it happens, the radio and clock lose their programming - like it had completely lost power.

    The last week though it took on a new symptom. After having one of the "almost" starts, and even after removing the key, some of the relays in the main block under the dash kept buzzing and clicking, then eventually stopped. Eventually I could start again.

    Then this Friday it kept buzzing after I'd tried to start it at work long enough to actually drain the battery down quite low. I had to jump it the next morning, and it started with no problem.

    So originally I was really thinking like the ignition switch (or some relay just past it) was sticking. Except that doesn't quite fit with the "radio and clock loses power" part, as I assume they get power *before* the ignition switch.

    After seeing Tim's various posts about the fusible link box, I'm really wondering if therein lies the culprit. I haven't pulled it off yet, but I did remove and clean the battery contacts, and noticed a bit of rusty corrosion in one of the battery lines.

    The logical/puzzle solving part of me is kind of stumped with the "it's like the ignition switch is intermittent" part, and the "but the radio and clock lose power!" part. Supposing there was an intermittent connection in the fusible link area. How could that lead to the relay chatter, which I assume is from a small bit of power getting into the system, even with the key off?

    Any suggestions for diagnostics beyond the "throwing money at parts" approach? That fusible link box sounds like a spendy item.

    I think tomorrow in the light of day I'll pop off the fusible link box and see what it's like. I've seen Tim's other pictures showing a corroded one to compare with. I did a brief inspection of the cables beyond the battery using a flashlight, but it rapidly got into the "I need to jack up the car to see more" stage so nothing really to see.

  2. #2
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    Re: Intermittent starting with relay buzzing even with the key out after no-start

    One other thing maybe or maybe not related. The last few weeks, I've had the driver side power window not go up when I flip the switch. Come back later and it's fine. Passenger window works fine.

  3. #3
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Intermittent starting with relay buzzing even with the key out after no-start

    Quote Originally Posted by holtt View Post
    I think tomorrow in the light of day I'll pop off the fusible link box and see what it's like.
    I agree. On the Previa this is the #1 most likely culprit for intermittent electrical problems. Tim

  4. #4
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    Re: Intermittent starting with relay buzzing even with the key out after no-start

    Tim, thanks for the reply. Sounds like a plan.

    One question (actually 2). If I end up replacing it and find one that is for ABS (which I don't have), it should work fine, correct? Also are ones from different years compatible?

    Trying to maintain the cheaper fix given the previa cost me just $1.
    Last edited by holtt; 08-27-2012 at 02:36 AM.

  5. #5
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Intermittent starting with relay buzzing even with the key out after no-start

    Sure, it doesn't even need to be from a Previa (if you don't mind a little "custom" work). As long as you can provide protection of the correct value for each circuit you're fine. As far as "plug & play" you'll need to evaluate that while you're looking at potential replacements. Not sure what year & or models might be compatible. Tim

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