A little while ago my previa would have a misfire on start-up and I quickly found out I had coolant in the exhaust system.
I stopped driving it and removed the engine and head expecting an obvious cause.
Well, there were a few ounces of coolant sitting in cylinder 2, but no obvious (to me with the naked eye) signs of cracks in block or head, and the head gasket looked great with apparently still good seals around the cylinders.
I took the head and gasket to a shop I trust and they couldn't see any clear cause of the leak either.
The oil quality looks great - I'm pretty sure the leak goes only from coolant system to cylinder. In fact the engine looks to be in really good condition otherwise. The cross hatching is still there in all cylinders, no scoring. I took off one rod end cap and the bearing surface looked as good as new, so I'd like to keep the engine and just repair it.
I'd like to diagnose this myself but I've lost confidence in my ability to find the cause of the ingress.
Any suggestions as to how I might proceed?