Looking to ID this coolant tube - it goes from the water outlet on back of water pump under intake/exhaust manifold and feeds oil cooler and heater hose.
Looking to ID this coolant tube - it goes from the water outlet on back of water pump under intake/exhaust manifold and feeds oil cooler and heater hose.
That's Toyota part #16268-73060 Pipe, Water By-Pass No 1. Unfortunately it's no longer available. Your choice is to repair (welding/brazing) or to fabricate something to replace it with. If you're lucky you might be able to find a good used one in a salvage yard, but these vans are getting harder and harder to find in the yards these days.
PS: If it's just only holes or pitting on nipples, but otherwise okay, you can replace the hose and slide it on farther, then move your clamp up past the damaged parts.
will try to weld it, one of the nipples snapped off.
Looks like exhaust manifold is cracked as well - assuming there is no use welding it. Any advice on finding an exhaust manifold for an 87 4x4 auto?
Exhaust manifold is part #17141-72010 and that was available up until about 1 or 2 years ago. The manifold can be welded, but if you want it to last it should also be stress relieved and then machined flat on the mating surface. Because the intake manifold uses the same nuts/studs, it's important the mount flange be the same thickness as the intake manifold (where the nut/washer contacts). So only very minimal material should be removed. If it requires much machining, then you may need to compensate by welding/grinding on the nut side to bring it back up to spec in those areas. Tim
The pipe in your picture is from an automatic 4wd van. Those vans have a sandwich type engine oil cooler that gets it's cooling from engine antifreeze (fed by that pipe). Yours is Toyota part #16268-73060. That pipe without the oil cooler section (in 2wd vans and manual transmission 4wd vans) is Toyota part #16268-73011.
Toyota doesn't show the extra pipe sections in their breakdowns, but if you were able to get a 16268-73060 it would have that extra pipe/nipples. Tim
I want to replace the bumpstops that are on the front lower control arms. I looked at the toyota epc data, to get the part number, and to my surprise, they were available and affordable. However when I got them, they look nothing like the ones that are on the control arms now. Are my old ones incorrect, or are my new ones incorrect? And if the new ones are incorrect, what part number do I need? And I guess if not available I could go for a universal one, but the size difference is huge, so I want to make sure i get remotely the correct size.
These are on my van now:
on epc data:
but it isn't even remotely the same size:
now somewhere else, in a completely unrelated topic on this site, I saw an exploded view, maybe from a maintenance manual, that looks very much like what I have now:
I ordered 48305-30030, listed as BUMPER, FRONT SPRING, NO.1
Could it be 48331-29055, listed as BUMPER, FRONT SPRING, NO.2 ?
This one is on a bit of an odd location in the parts diagram, and there is no clear picture. But if this is the correct one, where should the NO1 bumpstop go???
and this one: 48331-27051 is listed for a townace, but does kinda look like what I have now, but more ehm pointy, but I guess mine could have been pointy as well at some point in time.... But it has the two mounting bolts like mine
Last edited by Jan-Willem; 01-08-2024 at 03:01 PM.
try looking at bump-stops for a 90's ford truck or a 1969 Chevelle -- there's a close match out there somewhere
I think I need a new one of these. Does anyone have one for sale or know where I can get one. I believe it’s called a injector resistor or ballast resistor, I have a 1987 panel van with a Y4-e
I think that is the resistor network for your injector windings DC.
Anyone out there that can confirm that?
Yep, it is!
Nice Exploded view. Where did you get that?
What is this I found this under the drivers side dash? The electrical fire definitely happened with a previous owner. I don't see any other damage under the dash. Doesn't smell like burnt electrical at all. Don't know if its related, but the solid core wire used to replace the 1.25b fusible link has some melty insulation, replacing that with bulk 12 gauge fusible link wire.
I cant turn over the van with it uninstalled as I am currently trouble shooting "click no start" that went from intermittent to permanent. Dash lights are fine with the ignition switch powered on and the mystery box uninstalled.
Hmm kind of looks like this thing:
That is exactly what it is, thank you!
Looks important. Ive been driving around for two years with the burnt one installed, just happened upon it troubleshooting something else, codes are all clear. I should keep an eye our for one with the correct P/N in any case.
Looks like it is for cruise control. I was afraid it was the ATM control computer.
Last edited by Van; 10-13-2024 at 10:58 AM.
86 5 speed manual caravan
Does anyone know what part number this bushing would be? I think it's the shifter linkage bushing?
I was driving the other day and it fell out which caused me to not be able to change gears.
I put a washer and nut on to get off the side of the hwy but can't leave it like this.
im also into alternative fixes
Red circle is the missing part. next to it is an identical setup circled in green
The rubber grommet halves are Toyota part #90480-17016 (they are sold separately, so you'll need 2). The washers (top and bottom) are Toyota part #94614-10800 (also sold separately). The nut is Toyota part #90179-08044. According to http://www.toyotapartsdeal.com all of these are still available......at least that's what they say now. Good luck. Tim
You are a life saver thank you so much!
Ok, here's another, I don't see it in my manual.
First pic is a small thing under the air intake with and electrical connector and 2 hose ports, one port had a 6 inch hose on it that went to nowhere. The second pic is a small round thing at the top of the engine and has one open hose nipple. It doesn't seem like it would go to the small one under the air intake. Also doesn't seem to be in the EGR system. Thoughts? Thank you.
Those are VSV's (Vacuum Switching Valves). Here's a link to a thread where their functions are discussed: https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/...tached-diagram