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Thread: unhappy day

  1. #21
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    Re: unhappy day

    Quote Originally Posted by Previologist View Post
    Here's a better view of that thing. Hoses connect it to the supercharger and throttle apparatus so i presume its some sort of sensor or tells the SC when to do or not do it's thing. I can tell it was mounted by at least one bolt at one time, but it doesn't look real fresh, the other bolt hole is unmarked so it may have dangled free for a long time.
    The one with the air hoses is the ACV (Air Control Valve) and attaches to the radiator. The other, if attached to the throttle body, looks like the IACV (Idle Air Control Valve).

  2. #22
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    Re: unhappy day

    Yes the area with 2 screw where it appeared there may be something missing is the IACV, but I found enough pictures of others to put my mind at ease.

    I dont know what an ACV is, only the IACV.

    That dangling thing has a connector whose wires disappear into a harness, and 3 hoses. Two go to metal tubes emerging from the SC and the third goes into the black aluminum pipe that enters the airway between filter and throttle. (Not the infamous "black flake pipe" which is silver). 2 little hoses on the IACV looked like they had almost pulled off, so maybe that caused the high idle. I don't plan to run it again until I get a new radiator

  3. #23
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    Re: unhappy day

    Quote Originally Posted by Previologist View Post

    I dont know what an ACV is, only the IACV.
    The part number for the ACV is 25740-76010, at least on my SC Estima. has a diagram of it and the SC. I recently just discovered it myself after trying to find why my SC won't keep oil. I read that the ACV is specially made to prevent a sort of pressure difference from the SC have oil creep up the tube. So I thought that maybe the ACV was faulty but it seems to be within spec. So it must be the SC seals as others have had the same problem.

  4. #24
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    Re: unhappy day

    Quote Originally Posted by bjk View Post
    The part number for the ACV is 25740-76010, at least on my SC Estima. has a diagram of it and the SC. I recently just discovered it myself after trying to find why my SC won't keep oil. I read that the ACV is specially made to prevent a sort of pressure difference from the SC have oil creep up the tube. So I thought that maybe the ACV was faulty but it seems to be within spec. So it must be the SC seals as others have had the same problem.
    That is indeed what the dangling thing is. Thanks! I hope you find the answer you are looking for too.

    BTW, is yours mounted somewhere and if so, where?
    Last edited by Previologist; 08-11-2024 at 09:20 PM.

  5. #25
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    Re: unhappy day

    i was so excited my new radiator came today. But it doesn't have the outlet for the hose to the throttle body.

    The one I bought was an Agility Auto Parts 8011749, which Rock Auto sells for my van. Fortunately I did not buy it from them, because they are such a pain to deal with on returns.
    Last edited by Previologist; 08-15-2024 at 11:02 PM.

  6. #26
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    Re: unhappy day

    Quote Originally Posted by Previologist View Post
    … it doesn't have the outlet for the hose to the throttle body.
    I had the same issue with a replacement radiator from RockAuto. I put a tee in the hose on the other end of the tank and rant through a filter and on to the throttle body. Works fine.

  7. #27
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    Re: unhappy day

    You probably bought the same Agility radiator that they sell. I just avoid Rock Auto when possible because they charge for shipping and are PIA to deal with.

    i suppose that's one way to do it though. What is the purpose of the filter? There was no filter on mine.

    Anywho, I ordered another radiator that should have the correct fitting.

  8. #28
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    Re: unhappy day

    I'd like to see something like this in my future

    Screenshot from 2024-08-18 20-39-12.jpg

  9. #29
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    Re: unhappy day

    Rad #1 departed, radiator #2 arrived, it's a Lynol LR1749 and it has all the right tubes. FedEx managed to poke the lower radiator hose outlet through the box, but it's OK, and they managed to kink one of the tranny cooler tubes and i was worried my old one wouldn't fit, but it did. Phew. Should be ready for a serious test tomorrow. Wish it luck. I'm in big doo-doo if there are unexpected problems.

    I'm rather miffed that the body shop told me to send pictures so they could estimate it (they didn't seem very interested in the job at all), and now they haven't responded at all. If I get it running I'll be parking it in front of their office and won't budge until they bring it into the shop and look at it.

  10. #30
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    Happy Day

    Finally a Happy Day. I let it warm up good and drove it about 3 miles. Some initial pulley noise up front but that went away. The idle is still super high, but that's the only issue I noted.It must have jarred something on the throttle body or it's attachments. But it turns great, no road noise, and doesn't vibrate or pull at all.

    I will see if I can pull any codes but probably not, CEL light is always on due to neglected EGR

  11. #31
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    Re: unhappy day

    Well my happy didn't last long. Drive it to the body shop and he said 6 hours just to straighten the rails. They still haven't sent me the estimate so I don't know how much that is but its more than I wanted to pay, I'm sure. On the bright side I've now driven it about 15 miles with no problems.

  12. #32
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    Re: unhappy day

    Quote Originally Posted by Previologist View Post
    What is the purpose of the filter? There was no filter on mine.
    The filter traps the paint flakes from the hard coolant pies between the radiator and the engine that clog the double wall throttle body pipe.
    Last edited by tbuyan; 08-25-2024 at 12:53 PM.

  13. #33
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    Re: unhappy day

    OK, I've heard of people doing that, but I figured they put it right in front of the T-junction. Never had that that problem on this particular Previa.

    Well the estimate was brutal. $925 just to straighten the rails, $1600 to install the radiator support too.

    Must be nice making $110 an hour. Of course they had to add a "set up" fee on top of the labor hours.

    I don't know what I'm going to do now. I still have the frame shop 30 miles away, but its illegal to drive without a bumper. I suppose I could wire my spare, rusty-as-heck backup bumper to the front somehow.

  14. #34
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    Re: unhappy day

    I was able to get 2 bolts in one side of the rusty bumper reinforcement from my parts van, and wired/roped/bungeed up the other side. Then i called state patrol and they said the metal reinforcement is all I need to be legal. Sweet. Switched the hood over from the parts van, and I am ready to roll 30 miles to the frame shop tomorrow. If its too costly to fix properly, I'll just do it the redneck way.

  15. #35
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    Re: unhappy day

    I've now driven it 100 miles so any worries about major mechanical damages are in the rear view mirror, which, I'm happy to say, was not damaged in the accident.

    Frame shop quoted me $800. He thinks I can keep the cross tie assembly and he thinks I will be amazed at what he can do for that 800. He is very proud of his work and showed me a bunch of pictures. And unlike the other shop, he didnt seem like he was too good to work on a 27 year old Toyota. Plus he likes Toyotas, and drives Toyotas, and owns multiple Toyotas. So I believe him. Its more than I wanted to pay but since I won't have to spend $150 on a new crosstie assembly and do all that drilling and riveting I think I will do it. I still need to find a rust-free bumper reinforcement and a new left headlamp.

    And I'm gonna keep driving it now.

  16. #36
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    Re: unhappy day

    Scheduled for the 24th to drop it off for straightening. Got the grill and bumper filler piece off the 93 parts van, but it wasn't easy. I knew exactly how the grill should come off, but the clips just wouldn't cooperate. But I finally got it, only breaking one clip. I have several good clips from my damaged one, so all is good.

    I had to cut the tab off the fender where it bolts to the filler, because those bolts were so rusted I would have twisted the tab off the filler. I don't know how I ever lived without an angle grinder before this accident. Now I have the bolts soaking in PB Blaster in the garage, where I'm sure they will come off harmlessly in a day or two.

    The 93 hood had a different prop/support mechanism, which was broken, so I had to switch the one over from the 97. But the 93 wasn't drilled for the 97's bolt, so I had to buy a tap to tap that hole. Unfortunately I could not get the retaining clip out of the 97 without breaking it, so I'll have to get another clip or come up with an alternative way to fix it in place when not in use.

    Tuesday I will visit another 97 in the junkyard to hopefully retrieve a proper power steering reservoir, since the 93's is only working because the blower housing isn't installed. I will not be able to keep using it. I will check out other parts I may need, like an upper blower housing and hood clip.

    They said their left headlight was a C Grade so I ordered one from across the state. It's probably a B-. I also ordered a bumper reinforcement with only a little surface rust from the same place, $125 shipped. The local one had been sitting in the junkyard for 6 years so I figured there was virtually no chance the reinforcement was good, and they refused to take it off to find out.

    I will have to wait and see if the 93's bumper cover can be fitted to the 97. They are different, but I'm hoping there's a way.

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  17. #37
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    Re: unhappy day

    That's awesome. I'm glad to hear you're working through all the little problems.

  18. #38
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    Re: unhappy day

    Tuesday came, and to the junkyard I went. I rode my bike around in the sweltering sun for an hour, up and down, up and down, back and forth, past desolate rows of crumpled Toyotas. Never found the Previa they said they had.

    And thanks to the State of Wisconsin not processing my invoice promptly, I may have to push my appointment on the 24th back a couple weeks. Oh well that gives me more time to find a power steering reservoir.

  19. #39
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    Re: unhappy day

    The moment of truth and financial pain is nigh. Dropped off the van yesterday for the pricey straightening job, and hope that "I will be amazed" as he said I would. But I don't get my hopes up in these things.

    I received a new ac condenser and am ordering a PS reservoir today so should be ready for complete reassembly if I am amazed. If the tie bar still needs replacement when he's done, that will cost me another $225 and many hours of not fun so lets hope I'm amazed.

    Also there was an OEM front end mask on ebay that I was going to buy on the 20th when I got paid. It sold on the 18th. It could be years before I see another one. So I guess I will be silver-maroon until then

  20. #40
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    Re: unhappy day

    That shop sounded oddly enthusiastic about working on a Previa. Have you checked on them to see that they didn't get carried away?

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