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Thread: 1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

  1. #1
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    1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

    Hey everyone. I’m new here and this is likely discussed somewhere on this expansive forum. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what this cable is actually for.

    Background: I’m trying to get my father in laws 1989 Toyota Van back running that’s been sitting in my backyard for over a decade. It has 145k well-maintained miles on it. Interior is nearly flawless.

    I have so far replaced:
    -Spark Plugs
    -Distributor Cap

    I have new wires and a fuel filter I have yet to replace.
    The van wouldn’t turn over after I replaced the battery so I replaced the starter. Now it turns over, but no fire/ignition launch. I’m thinking the fuel pump needs to be replaced because I do not hear any sort of hum from the gas tank when I have the key engaged.

    Anywhoo, can someone tell me what the wire/cable in the picture is? It looks like it’s disconnected from the throttle but I can’t really tell where it’s supposed to be hooked to. Tracing it back it goes down under the shifter area on the drivers side. Any assistance/insight into what this is and what it needs to be hooked to would be much appreciated as I try to get this relic back on the road.

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  2. #2
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    Re: 1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

    Looks like cruise control. One that pulls from below is throttle, the top one is transmission kick down.
    What part of SC are you in? I'm in the upstate. Any interest in selling your van?

  3. #3
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    Re: 1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

    Definitely looks like an aftermarket cruise control. I would leave it disconnected. It adds an otherwise unnecessary variable to your troubleshooting. I can't zoom in far enough to see where it hooked to before the pic gets blurry.

  4. #4
    Van Enthusiast
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    Re: 1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

    The fuel pump hums only very briefly when starting (and when the engine is actually running). You have to jump the fuel-pump-test-connector near the airbox to make it hum.

    Also, when i replaced my fuel filter, i swapped the upper banjo bolt for one of those:
    Name:  IMG_1554.jpg
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    then threaded in a fuel pressure gauge, directly on top of the fuel filter.
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    that combine with a non contact spark tester in the glove box
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    I figured this would give me useful info for diagnosis, even on a roadside repair.
    i am sure a proper mechanic can do all this by touch and feel, but I am not a mechanic.

    and there is also the starter-fluid/brake cleaner way of testing if it is fuel or ignition related
    Last edited by Jan-Willem; 06-27-2023 at 03:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Newbie
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    Re: 1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

    Quote Originally Posted by bryan95502 View Post
    Looks like cruise control. One that pulls from below is throttle, the top one is transmission kick down.
    What part of SC are you in? I'm in the upstate. Any interest in selling your van?
    Thanks for the feedback! At this time, I am not interested in selling the van. It’s been sitting in my backyard for a while and I’m ready to get her back on the road. I’m in the armpit of SC (Columbia area.)

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