Since I built my van 1 yr ago it has consistently got around 16-17mpg. All my ignition parts are new OEM quality and my timing is dead on. I recently started monitoring my oxygen sensor voltage to get an idea what's going on. At idle the voltage fluctuates as it should. During steady cruising on a 40 mile test drive the oxyen sensor voltage stayed steady between .6 and .9 volts, usually leaning toward the higher end of the scope. It did not fluctuate at cruising speed. This indicates a rich mixture. My new catalytic converter is already turning psychedelic colors from all the heat. I checked the voltage for the temp sensor at around .5v when warm. This means my temp sensor is at least working ok. I have not checked my airflow meter but I am tempted to remove the plastic cover and tinker with the spring tension. Anyone have any ideas on curing an over-rich condition?