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Thread: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

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    Van Fan Tan Van's Avatar
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    Guys ... really need help with someone who has experience with this part...

    e-bay ---90925-05047 BVSV

    can this part fit ?? can it work ?? I know we use the 90925-05017 ..., but, the price on this 05047 one is much lower

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    Van Fan Tan Van's Avatar
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    so... can 90925-05047 be used instead of the original 90925-05017 ???
    1987 LE Van 2WD

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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    If you go to Toyota Parts Deal and enter in an 87 or an 85 and use both of those part numbers, it shows only 90925-05017 as being valid for both 3y and 4y. It shows the other part number you are referring to as a no go. Beyond that, I personally don't know.

    Hopefully, someone else can chime in.

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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    Potential differences that come to mind would thread pitch and diameter, vacuum nipple diameter, and activation temp. If the physical dimensions are the same I couldn't see there being that much difference in activation temp unless the one you posted is used to control a component different than the EGR like it does on our vans. That said, barring obvious physical differences, Toyota specified a different part for a reason.

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    Van Addict AD2101's Avatar
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    Using the parts cross-reference tool on I came up with these results and these results when cross-referencing 90925-05017 and 90925-05047, respectively. I haven't used the site before but it seems that, if accurate, the parts are interchangeable. You'll probably have to be the guinea pig on this and report back to us and let us know if it works.

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    Van Fan Tan Van's Avatar
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    Guinea pig I shall be ... I placed the order,but, holiday will delay shipping ... When I take out the original I'll do a photo of both parts together for everyone, and, I'll give info on the install and the function of it. (I can test its opening temperature too, before I install it).

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    Van Addict AD2101's Avatar
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    I look forward to the results! Unfortunately, we are really getting to the point where a lot of parts like this are NLA (or so cost prohibitive that they might as well be) and we will have to repair/refurbish parts we would have otherwise binned a few years ago and come up with alternative parts we'll have to shoehorn into existing systems if we are going to keep these things going.

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    Van Fan Tan Van's Avatar
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    Name:  IMG_6320.JPG
Views: 1844
Size:  54.9 KBOkay... here's how it went. The new part tested out perfectly in a mug of warm water -- it was closed when it was cold and had wide open air-flow when I blew through it after it warmed up (to about 105-110 degrees on my thermometer), so, that looked good. Next, the physical comparison... same thread pitch and diameter as the original part. Next, the install and function --- I sliced open the side of a 19mm 6-point socket just as Tim shows in another thread. The new part (the"05047" valve) threaded into the hole properly and came to a pretty firm "stop" with the ports of the BVSV facing forward as they should. The only thing that sketched me out a little bit was the depth of the installed BVSV... it seemed to only go in about 1/2 or 2/3 of the threads when it stopped... I think the threads are tapered and they widen as they screw in to form a seal... My concern was that it would leak. After quite a few miles I can report no problemo. Also, I tried to blow through the installed valve on the van when cold (nope), and again after I had driven somewhere and the van was warm (yup, valve wide open)...

    so, I wouldn't be afraid to tell someone to go ahead and use the "05047" valve to save money over the "05017" valve.

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    Forum Newbie cornell's Avatar
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    How did you get that thing out of there? I am trying to replace mine (it's been broken for a long time) and I can't get a wrench down there!

  10. #10
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    Re: New-Genuine-Toyota-Factory-Bimetal-Vacuum-Switching-Valve-Assy-OEM-90925-05047

    I have driven with mine broken for years and I have no problem passing emissions or have performance or drivability issues. I just took the hose and made a U-turn back to the other pipe bypassing the broken valve and so essentially it's like as if the valve was open all the time on both the 85 and 87 I had and currently with my 89 vans

    By the same token if you are having issues with your van and you are throwing parts at it without diagnosis, this is one of those parts that I doubt you would see any change with because logically if being without it does not cause drivability issues, replacing the broken part will not be a magic pill that's going to fix rough idle, stalling, hesitation etc.

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