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Thread: 1987 Toyota Van Alternator Not Charging

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    1987 Toyota Van Alternator Not Charging

    Hey everyone I have replaced the battery and alternator in my van, but I'm still not getting a charge from the alternator. I've gone around and cleaned all of the ports to insure a solid clean connection, but I'm still not getting a charge and the battery is ultimately draining. I'm definitely still getting to know the inner workings of the van, so any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks, Ben

  2. #2
    Administrator llamavan's Avatar
    My Van(s):
    1985 5-sp cargo (Trustyvan) . . . . 1989 5-sp 4WD DLX (Skylervan)
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    Re: 1987 Toyota Van Alternator Not Charging

    HI Ben, and welcome to TVT!

    There are already a LOT of threads tagged "alternator", but I'd suggest you start with one of the several threads tagged "charging problem". Please see THIS THREAD for tips on how to search the forum and actually get what you need. Then, if you STILL have issues, please post your question in the thread that was most helpful up to that point. That will alert prior posters and you'll get maximum useful responses AND it will help keep the forum's information organized for the next person!

    1985 5-speed window cargo van set up for llama haulin'; 345K ("Trustyvan")
    1989 4WD 5-speed DLX; 410K and an odd sense of humor ("Skylervan")

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