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Thread: coolant leak near throttle body

  1. #1
    Van Fan
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    coolant leak near throttle body

    On the topic of the auxiliary air valve - has anyone ever experienced or heard of a leak developing between the coolant hose and the air hose that pass through the valve? I can imagine some sort of internal failure that would allow coolant to be sucked into the intake this way, though it seems far fetched...I am trying to diagnose a persistent coolant-in-exhaust issue (I JUST replaced the head gasket, so it isn't that)

  2. #2
    Van Enthusiast
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    Re: coolant leak near throttle body

    Quote Originally Posted by VanDown View Post
    On the topic of the auxiliary air valve - has anyone ever experienced or heard of a leak developing between the coolant hose and the air hose that pass through the valve? I can imagine some sort of internal failure that would allow coolant to be sucked into the intake this way, though it seems far fetched...I am trying to diagnose a persistent coolant-in-exhaust issue (I JUST replaced the head gasket, so it isn't that)
    I just opened one of these up, it feels very unlikely - but I suppose possible. It isn't convenient, but you may be able to pull off the front hose and shine a light in to see if there is wetness in there.

  3. #3
    Van Obsessed
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    Re: coolant leak near throttle body

    VD - The throttle body is heated with coolant, fed from the hose of death.
    While a leak there isn't one of the more common issues, it can happen and might be worth a look.

  4. #4
    Van Fan
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    Re: coolant leak near throttle body

    Thanks for the ideas. It occurs to me that I could pinch the air hose that comes out of the air valve and see whether the steam diminishes - seems like that would be fairly diagnostic of a leak there.

    The throttle body is heated with coolant, fed from the hose of death.
    While a leak there isn't one of the more common issues, it can happen and might be worth a look.
    Interesting. I replaced the throttle body gasket when I did the HG, so it isn't there a place inside the throttle body where a leak could develop?

  5. #5
    Van Obsessed
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    Re: coolant leak near throttle body

    I remember a discussion about it some years ago, but have no direct experience, thankfully.

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