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Thread: 85 auto TV transmission fluid coming out of the dipstick

  1. #1
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    85 auto TV transmission fluid coming out of the dipstick

    So I bought my first Toyota van about a month or so ago. And had been driving it every day for a couple weeks. And then noticed the transmission fluid burping out of the dip stick tube. Shortly after my trans started having low fluid symptoms. Since then I have changed the filter and pan gasket and re filed the trans with fluid. And I am still having the problem. Anyone had this problem It still shifts and runs like normal when the transmission has fluid in it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Re: 85 auto TV transmission fluid coming out of the dipstick

    When does it burp fluid out? moving or idling? in gear or in park/neutral? As soon as you start the engine or only after it gets warm driving a while?
    "You don't get to judge me for how I fix what you break"
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  3. #3
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    Re: 85 auto TV transmission fluid coming out of the dipstick

    Typically auto transmissions have a vent near the top. Depending on the style, sometimes insects will nest in them and plug them up.

  4. #4
    Van Fan rallycar_jepsen's Avatar
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    Re: 85 auto TV transmission fluid coming out of the dipstick

    Hi all. Seems an appropriate place for this question.

    I have this very thing happening, and I'm betting the vent at the top of the transmission is clogged at the little plastic elbow.

    Is there an ideal way to unclog the vent? Just a very small pipe cleaner, compressed air? Should I be worried about knocking whatever debris has clogged it into the transmission, or should I expect the filter to be able to handle debris like that?

    Just for reference to try and make myself useful tagging along on this post, on my Previa (RWD Automatic) transmission the vent is here (pictured with trans outside of vehicle). Judging from other photos it looks like at least the auto TV transmissions are set up similarly.
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    Last edited by rallycar_jepsen; 08-10-2022 at 05:26 PM.

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