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Thread: 1987 Van 4wd front Spindle/Axle Nut- Size?

  1. #1
    Van Fan
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    1987 Van 4wd front Spindle/Axle Nut- Size?

    I can't believe I wasn't able to look it up in the Service manual, (no size on the tool used even...) OR here, OR looking up the part on line (No one listed the 4WD nut...)

    It's likely 50mm or above the manual says its Hex. but I want to know so I can see if I have it already or if I need one. (before I need it. I probably have a half dozen or more sockets for different size type 4X4 axle nuts, but I just KNOW if I wait until needed, it will be a size I DON'T have...)

    (Eventually I'l have a list of all the tools/sizes needed for this thing, but I'm not there 3 weeks in... at that point I'l assemble yet another "Rand box" for those tools...)

  2. #2
    Van Obsessed
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    Re: 1987 Van 4wd front Spindle/Axle Nut- Size?

    You need a 54mm thin wall axle nut socket like this.
    Just a heads up though, most of these are 3/4" drive so make sure you get an adapter as well.

  3. #3
    Van Fan
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    Re: 1987 Van 4wd front Spindle/Axle Nut- Size?

    Thanks. 3/4" or even 1" drive is not a problem at home and I have the adapter for on the road already.

    Now to see if I have the 54mm...

    EDIT: Yes and No: I have an adjustable socket that is fine for the home shop but Not something I'll throw in a road box... it's all good; nothing I like better than buying more tools!

  4. #4
    Van Addict
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    Re: 1987 Van 4wd front Spindle/Axle Nut- Size?

    I think I got mine at Vato-zone years and years ago... but Schmucks, O'reilly's, Checker or whatever Auto usually has these. Can use 2-1/8" in a pinch too.

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