FWIW, the junkyard van photos show a non-A/C van. It's relatively easy to remove the blower motor from these ... with A/C, not so much.
FWIW, the junkyard van photos show a non-A/C van. It's relatively easy to remove the blower motor from these ... with A/C, not so much.
1985 5-speed window cargo van set up for llama haulin'; 345K ("Trustyvan")
1989 4WD 5-speed DLX; 410K and an odd sense of humor ("Skylervan")
New blower motor (four seasons from rockauto, $18) and resistor module on the way. I got the old motor out, but even with the knee bar pulled back farther than what looks to be the case in bald josh's pics, it still took a fair amount of force and finesse to get it out of the hole. I pulled the back plate off the old motor and one of the brushes fell out. The other one wasn't far behind. Diagnosis confirmed.
It's all back together and the new blower is blowing at 4 different speeds! A couple of things to mention: I had to pull really hard on the knee bar to make enough space to get the blower motor/squirrel cage in and out. I used a stout piece of wood stuck into the channel to get some extra leverage. A helper would be useful for this. I couldn't get the bolt that holds the top, passenger side of the dash to align. Had to drill a 1' hole through the dash to make that connection. Otherwise it was a pretty straightforward but "awkward" job. Glad that it's done and I hope the new blower motor lasts a long time.
Jumping on this thread because it seems most relevant.
I am cleaning up my temp spider cables with lube and have come across a problem where the mechanism for switching between fresh air / recirculated air is locking up. I hear a metallic screech as I push the assembly into the open / closed position. My previous spider broke at the switch due to the difficulty of the switch.
Image is upside-down- not sure how to fix that, hah.
My question is - how can I get this thing to move freely again? I've tried lubing the assembly with grease, but I'm thinking it's the door itself from the inside locking somewhere.
Can I access the vent door from the right side headlight?
Thanks for the help.
Check out THIS THREAD. May or may not be the answer, but you'll want to assess the blend door first as a possible cause.
1985 5-speed window cargo van set up for llama haulin'; 345K ("Trustyvan")
1989 4WD 5-speed DLX; 410K and an odd sense of humor ("Skylervan")
It's been awhile since I've poked around that part of the van, but between your description, the EPC diagram, and my hazy recollection, I'm clearer on what you're dealing with. That's a different door than what I linked to (sorry) and I'm thinking that yes, you should be able to access that from the headlight (removing the ducting out of the blower motor case would do it as well, but if you have A/C, my experience is to not mess with that ducting unless left with no other option).
I had to replace my blower motor because some of the factory interior insulation/sound deadening material made its way into that door and clogged up the works. It's possible some of that stuff (or some other, non-OEM, flotsam) has found its way into that door and is keeping it from operating smoothly. The screech sound is odd, though ... are you are finding signs of water leakage into the area under the dash on the passenger side?
1985 5-speed window cargo van set up for llama haulin'; 345K ("Trustyvan")
1989 4WD 5-speed DLX; 410K and an odd sense of humor ("Skylervan")
Yes, sadly - I have seen drips of water come through the windshield over there during periods of intense rain. It's probably rusted / corroded in such a way that needs extra lubrication or something.
I'll try the headlight and see what I can reach from back there. Alternatively I'll try to remove the entire casing by undoing the knee bar and fishing around back there maybe.