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Thread: Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications

  1. #1
    Van Addict
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    Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications


    Engine Oil
    Grade 1......SL
    Maximum Performance Signature Series 10W-30 Synthetic MotorOil (ATMQT) Signature Series 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (ATMQT)
    Drain Interval Information
    Performance Plus XL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (XLTQT) XL10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (XLTQT)
    Drain Interval Information
    Performance OE 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (OETQT) OE 10W-30Synthetic Motor Oil (OETQT)
    Drain Interval Information
    Above 10F......15W-40, 20W-40, 20W-50
    Above -9F......10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50
    Manual Transmission,G53 (4WD)......GL-5
    AllTEMPS......75W-90, 80W-90
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Manual Transmission,G53 (RWD)......GL-5
    AllTEMPS......75W-90, 80W-90
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Automatic Transmission,A45DF......AF3
    SignatureSeries Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
    OEMulti-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
    Automatic Transmission,A45DL......AF3
    SignatureSeries Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
    OEMulti-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT)
    Differential, Rear RWD......GL-5
    Above 0 F......90
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    Differential, Front......GL-5
    Above 0 F......90[1]
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    Differential, Rear 4WD......GL-5
    Above 0 F......90
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    Differential, Rear 4WD......GL-5
    Below 0F......80W-90, 80W
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    Differential, Rear RWD......GL-5
    Below 0F......80W-90, 80W
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    Differential, Front......GL-5
    Below 0F......80W-90, 80W [1]
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    Transfer Case,U/K TRC......GL-5
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Transfer Case,U/K TRC......GL-4
    ManualTransmission & Transaxle Gear Lube 75W-90 (MTGQT)
    DOT 3 and 4Brake Fluid (BFLVCN) [2]
    DOT 3 and 4Brake Fluid (BFLVCN) [2]
    Power SteeringFluid......AF3
    SignatureSeries Multi-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (ATFQT)
    Power SteeringFluid......AF3
    OEMulti-Vehicle Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (OTFQT) [3]
    [1] Front differential is for 4WD models only.
    [2] Hydraulic Brake Fluid, DOT 3
    [3] DEXRON-III Automatic Transmission Fluid
    Oil Filter
    Absolute Efficiency Oil Filter (EA15K51)
    Oil Filter
    MANN Oil Filter (W92017)

    Oil Filter
    WIX 51068 Oil Filter
    Oil Filter
    WIX 51034 Oil Filter
    Air Filter
    WIX 46146 Air Filter

    Fuel Filter
    WIX 33500 Fuel Filter
    Transmission Filter
    WIX 58946 Auto Tran Filter

    [1] Replaces the Ea15k33, which will still work for thisvehicle
    [2] Automatic (TransmissionControlType)
    [3] with Manual Transmission
    [4] Universal Style with Adjustable Cradles
    0 Fittings, 4Plugs..........LM
    1 Fittings, 8Plugs..........LM

    Engine, with filter..........3.7 quarts [1]
    Cooling System, With RR HEAT & 4WD InitialFill..........7.9 quarts
    Passenger Car & Light Truck Antifreeze & Coolant
    AMSOIL Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
    Cooling System, With RR HEAT & RWD InitialFill..........9 quarts
    Passenger Car & Light Truck Antifreeze & Coolant
    AMSOIL Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
    Cooling System, Without RR HEAT & 4WD InitialFill..........7.4 quarts
    Passenger Car & Light Truck Antifreeze & Coolant
    AMSOIL Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
    Cooling System, Without RR HEAT & RWD InitialFill..........7.9 quarts
    Passenger Car & Light Truck Antifreeze & Coolant
    AMSOIL Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
    Automatic Transmission, A45DL Initial Fill..........2.5quarts
    Automatic Transmission, A45DF Initial Fill..........2.5quarts
    Automatic Transmission, Total Fill
    4 speedA45DL..........6.9 quarts
    4 speedA45DF..........6.9 quarts
    Manual Transmission, G53 (RWD)..........4.9 pints
    Manual Transmission, G53 (4WD)..........5.5 pints
    Differential, Front..........2.7 pints [2]
    Differential, RWD Rear..........3.2 pints
    Differential, 4WD Rear..........4 pints
    Transfer Case, U/K TRC..........2.5 pints
    [1] After refill check oil level.
    [2] Front differential is for 4WD models only.

  2. 07-19-2018, 10:01 PM

    irrelevant after thread split

  3. #2
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    Re: Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications

    Is there any reason the plugs on the ball joints should not be replaced with zerk fittings?

  4. #3
    Van Obsessed Carbonized's Avatar
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    Re: Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications

    Don’t see why not! Make sure you use 90 degrees one and angle them for access with the gun even with the wheel on. I haven’t done that on my on mine but it’s on my list.
    "perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." A. de St Exupery.

  5. #4
    Van Addict
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    Re: Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications

    Just want to clarify one thing, because of a pretty valid question on Gear oil type for the trans. We have a g series trans in our vans (g 53). It does contain bras synchros, at least those not rebuilt will. GL5 is fine. The amount of sulfur (read trace amounts) won't harm your manual trans. The FSM says it's all good too.

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  6. #5
    Van Fan AnotherUser's Avatar
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    Re: Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications

    Quote Originally Posted by Flecker View Post
    Differential, Rear RWD......GL-5
    Below 0F......80W-90, 80W
    SAE 80W-90Synthetic Gear Lube (AGLQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-90 (SVGQT)
    Severe Gear®75W-110 (SVTQT)
    I'm going to be changing the oil on my rear differential - '86 RWD, Manual - Can anyone recommend a specific brand and number of gear oil that I can buy at one of the big auto parts stores in town? I see a lot of different info around on what diff oil to use.


  7. #6
    Van Enthusiast 89van's Avatar
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    Re: Toyota Van Lubricant and Fluid Specifications

    Good day folks, apologies for the necro I guess but this seems suitable, so from my understanding either DEX III/DEX IV is suitable as it superseded it. Seems my van lost some ATF from sitting thanks to a leak on the transmission pan. Fluid is dark like motor oil so its probably well-due for a change I guess, although not sure when the last one was done and I really don't want to kill my transmission...

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