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Thread: 1985 Van - no spark

  1. #1
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    Question 1985 Van - no spark

    I recently acquired a 1985 Toyota Van that will not start due to what appears to be no spark. After replacing the whole distributor with a remanufactured one (which includes a new ignition module, pickup coil, and ignition coil), the problem persists. The engine diagnostic code stored (6) indicates no ignition signal.

    The resistances on the coils on both the old and reman distributors are all within spec. I also have 12V to the distributor power connector when the ignition switch is turned on. I tested the wire for spark plug #1 and there is continuity and the resistance is within spec. Even if my timing was off, I should still get a spark (with the spark plug body grounded via jumper cable), but I have no visible spark and it will not trigger a timing light. Any thoughts?
    Last edited by James Adams; 12-26-2017 at 11:48 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: 1985 Van - no spark

    Welcome to the community. There can be multiple issues for no spark. There is a very good article about searching but if you are at the front page (Toyota Vans or 4x4 Toyota Vans) your search should bring back a lot of info. Try using the search function and focus on 'ignitor', 'starter bypass switch' or even 'no spark'. There is an absolute wealth of info in this site but you usually have to seek it out and compare your problem to some of the other members problems and solutions.

  3. #3
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    Re: 1985 Van - no spark

    I have searched (although you can't actually search for "no spark" as you suggest).

    Symptoms point to the ICM: tach doesn't twitch when trying to start despite the coils testing OK and the distributor having power. This seems surprising to find in a reman distributor. However, since there seem to be no other useful ideas or pointers, I'm having this distributor replaced under warranty with another in the hopes that it has a good ICM.

  4. #4
    Van Addict AD2101's Avatar
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    Re: 1985 Van - no spark

    Quote Originally Posted by James Adams View Post
    Symptoms point to the ICM: tach doesn't twitch when trying to start despite the coils testing OK and the distributor having power. This seems surprising to find in a reman distributor.
    Symptoms would point to a bad igniter, which is separate from the distributor. Here is a good thread on the matter. I think the FSM remedy for this is "try another igniter," which would be fine except these are NLA and (I believe) specific to these vans.

    EDIT: That's at least how it goes on 86-89 4Y vans, maybe the igniter is different on the 84-85 3Ys?
    Last edited by AD2101; 12-28-2017 at 05:40 PM. Reason: fixed quote from FSM :)

  5. #5
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    Re: 1985 Van - no spark

    Quote Originally Posted by AD2101 View Post
    Symptoms would point to a bad igniter, which is separate from the distributor. Here is a good thread on the matter. I think the FSM remedy for this is "try another igniter," which would be fine except these are NLA and (I believe) specific to these vans.

    EDIT: That's at least how it goes on 86-89 4Y vans, maybe the igniter is different on the 84-85 3Ys?
    The ICM (igniter) is physically inside the distributor assembly on the 84-85 3Y vans.

    New aftermarket ICMs are still available for the 84-85 vans as they are also used in the 83-86 Camry with the 2S(?) motor, however they're the same price (or more) than a reman distributor which includes the ICM (albeit clearly not a new ICM).

  6. #6
    Van Addict AD2101's Avatar
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    Re: 1985 Van - no spark

    Heh, learn something new every day. Since that's the case, I think you're right in returning the distributor.

    How much are ICMs supposed to go for, because I'm finding the price vary drastically. Using Toyota part #89620-14210, the lowest priced one on rockauto is $120 while Amazon carries it for under $40. Both vendors sell only sell third party options so I doubt quality varies that much.

  7. #7
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    Re: 1985 Van - no spark

    It appears that the cheap ICMs sold on Amazon mostly come from overseas given the long shipping time.

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