Well well. *sigh*
Did a bunch of internet learning (youtube videos, articles and gifs) to upskill the theory in all things carb. Then pulled the carburettor, tore into it, and cleaned A LOT of roflroflroflrofl out of the accelerator pump, and replaced as many things as I could recognise from the kit, with only a few small bits left unused. Learned that kerosene is a waste of time as far as soaking is concerned. Gets varnish gone, but leaves stains and baked on crud, and does nothing against old gaskets. Enter elbow grease.
Found fuel behind the accelerator pump and the smaller side of the choke pulloff. No es bueno.
Unfortunately, the kit only came with the main side of the choke pulloff, the smaller side with the pin/bellows thing was also dickered in the process of disassembly, so I blocked vac lines to the choke pulloff and the other side, and put silicon around the outside to ensure it holds vacuum. That said, the bimetal spring does a good job still and she warms in a minute or two, running with choke all the way off.
Turns out the full-looking sight window was actually empty all along, but at least with a new float (tweaked to hilux level from youtube because my kit didn't come with instructions) there's fuel halfway up the window when she's idling! So I think what was happening (hopefully thats a definite WAS), is that there were a couple of leaky bellows/seals that meant the vac system was sucking fuel through all the wrong places and dumping it into the intake and the charcoal canisters. So it was running lean as hell in the bowl, but sneaking a heap of fuel from elsewhere. Feck!
Put 135km on it last night, seems much torquier at high RPM, probably because the 2nd throttle plate now opens (sometimes? is sticky as hell still). It was SUPER sticky in there, and I'm not sure the large bellows thing that is supposed to move the cam to allow it to open, was doing its job. It still won't accelerate when in 5th gear up a slight (I mean slight) incline, but it does hold speed much better, with less accelerator required on flat. I did manage to notch the throttle cable putting it back in or jam up the throttle plate because now its sticky and won't drop back to idle after having the pedal down from time to time. I did lube the cable but still sticks a bit, which is SUPER GREAT, just what I need.
It used about a 6th of a tank (7L?) driving mostly flat highway speed, over 81km. My back of napkin puts it at 8.6L/100km which is roflroflroflrofling great compared to 15+. Unfortunately, still stutters on light throttle. Did notice the little cam that actuates the pump is a bit worn, could that have anything to do with it? Throttle angle too high, without activating the pump?
More pictures and questions in the photos here: https://imgur.com/a/SxFOj
TL;DR: Rebuilt carburettor. Blocked choke pulloff. Maybe solved fuel consumption. Still stutters on low throttle. Still gutless in 5th gear up *any* hill. Throttle now sticky. Progress.