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Thread: Question about SAD shaft front bearing

  1. #1
    Van Fan
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    Question about SAD shaft front bearing

    Hello Previa experts.

    I am stumped. I am in the middle of trying to replace my Previa SAD shaft (along with a JDM engine). I purchased a used 95 SAD shaft to upgrade my 91 because I have read that the later couplings were more robust, and compatible with an older engine. Problem is, I was trying to remove the Bearing that sits at the forward end of the SAD shaft, and it wasn't coming off. It seems that my older model bearing is integrated into the rubber bushings. Is this a feature only on the earlier models? Do the 94+ models have a separate shaft/bearing? I mean, my 95 Shaft does not have a forward bearing, sooo... If not, how can I remove it? This bearing kit was not for sale on Toyota.


  2. #2
    Van Addict
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    Re: Question about SAD shaft front bearing

    you DON'T disassemble the SADS or remove the "bearing"... it's supposed to come as one piece
    if the place you bought it from took it apart that way, then this thing is as good as a dud because it's supposed to the factory aligned and balanced

    what the diagram shows as one piece is supposed to be one piece when you buy it, take it out from another van, and when you go replace the part

  3. #3
    Van Fan
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    Re: Question about SAD shaft front bearing

    I may have misspoke. I didn't meant detach the bearing with the coupler, but just the forward bearing. The forward bearing has to be separable from the front coupler, otherwise, why isn't it included in Toyota's SAD shaft rebuild kit? I referenced another post on here that shows that the forward bearing can be separated from the Sad Shaft to swapped to another shaft. That thread is here.

    I didn't realize the excessive force required to separate the bearing. The old coupler has to be essentially destroyed. I had to pry it off, so I could attach it to the used Ebay shaft.


    Newly attached.

    IMG_4351 smaller.jpg

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