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Thread: Draining radiator

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Draining radiator

    Hi there and thanks for any help. I'm trying to get started on replacing my water pump on my '89 Van. But I've tripped up already, as any reference I see on draining the coolant just says to drain from the radiator and engine drain cocks. But on numerous searches on here, I can't seem to find any details on where they actually are.

    Thanks in advance, I feel like a bit of an idiot at the moment.


  2. #2
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    Re: Draining radiator

    I searched for "coolant drain plug" and found several threads with pics of the block drain location. The radiator drain is bottom right side of the radiator and should have a tube hanging down under the van. It is usually a plastic wingnut but I have seen other variations on aftermarket rads.

  3. #3
    Van Fan Grappler's Avatar
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    Re: Draining radiator

    Hey there --

    The radiator drain is on the bottom back of the radiator underneath the water inlet. It's not super easy to see, but you can get at it if you remove the plastic shield from the bottom of the van. it's just a little plastic knob.

    The block drain is harder to access. It's on the driver's side of the block under the exhaust manifold and behind(ish) the alternator. If you're going to do the water pump anyway, you should take the alternator and the overflow reservoir out before you try and drain it, it'll make it easier.

    You probably already know this from researching the site, but it's a good idea to replace your thermostat and your fan clutch if your water pump seems bad.

  4. #4
    Van Enthusiast
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    Re: Draining radiator

    I usually pull the lower hose, since it likely needs replacing too.
    Unless you have rust issues, draining the block doesn't have to be a concern.

  5. #5
    Forum Newbie
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    Re: Draining radiator

    Thank you, thank you so much! Never has a pour sounded so good!

    T Stat is going to be replaced and fan clutch when I can get it ordered.

    Thank you again!

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