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Thread: Re: 91 Previa Alltrac drivelines

  1. #1
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    Re: 91 Previa Alltrac drivelines


    I wonder how to change the U-joints on the front drive shaft, also the center support bearing? I felt that the noise is related to the front drive shaft. I searched around the local junk yard, they are all in not good condition. If the u-joints are non-changable, will there be some good and cheap one from the online seller? As Tim suggested: Thanks

  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: 91 Previa Alltrac drivelines

    All of the drive lines on the All Trac Previas have staked u-joints. This means they are not considered replaceable. There are some u-joints made with the clips on the inside, and these can be used, but you will need some machine work before you can use them. Although the least expensive, these specialty u-joints are not very strong so unless you're easy on things I wouldn't recommend them.

    Powertrain Industries (an aftermarket drive line company) makes a rear drive-line for the All-Trac Previa for around $230 but I'm not sure if they make anything for the front (I sort of doubt it). Contact information and other details are outlined in THIS THREAD and it might be worth your time to give them a call.

    I know the front-most drive-line is still available from Toyota but I'm not sure about the other front drive-line and the carrier bearing. When I replaced my drive-lines I purchased the rear one from Powertrain Industries and the front-most one from Toyota (about $250). The other front drive-line and carrier bearing I purchased from a junk yard and then had a drive-line shop cut-off the ends with the staked u-joints and install new ends with heavy duty replaceable u-joints. The carrier bearing was still okay so I just re-used the old one. For what it's worth, the 2 front drive-lines should be balanced together as a single unit, so the drive-line shop will need to have possession of both for balancing. Good luck. Please keep us posted on what you do and your results. Tim

  3. #3
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    Re: 91 Previa Alltrac drivelines


    I find some U-joint replacement on the Rockauto. Is this the one you mentioned as specialty u-joints with clips on the inside? What machine work need to be done before it can be used on the driveshaft? Thanks
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  4. #4
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: 91 Previa Alltrac drivelines

    Could be, but not sure as that photo doesn't give dimensions or part numbers. Just keep in mind that you need ones that are All-Trac specific (even for the rear). Note: 2wd Previas actually have the replaceable type u-joints.

    Staked u-joints are basically pinched into place by a big machine (the bores they install into are slightly crushed). The machine work to which I'm referring is having the old ones pressed out and the bores cleaned-up so the new ones can be installed with the correct fit. The clips are to keep them centered in the looser bores (a result of the machine work). Tim

  5. #5
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    Re: 91 Previa Alltrac drivelines

    Thanks for the info. I uploaded with a picture of the U-joint on the vehicle. The powertrain does have the front drive shaft for $294 with a core fee $76, but not sure it comes with the whole 2 pieces with the center bearing or just the front most piece.(Don't have a actual picture to show)
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