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Thread: Preparing to lift a 93 Previa All-trac

  1. #1
    Van Fan
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    Preparing to lift a 93 Previa All-trac

    Like numerous other TVT members have either pointed out, or already taken action on, it sure would be nice to have a little extra ground clearance on our Previas. To this end I've been following various threads on TVT members' Previa lifts (almost all are about 2 inches) in the hopes of doing this myself.

    I got very excited when, in researching outside of TVT, I found a website for company called Journey's Off Road located in Prescott, AZ. They even feature Timsrv's lifted previa in their description of their endeavour to offer a Previa lift kit!! See

    There are no prices yet, or a date for availability (see ), but it is very exciting to see that someone is thinking of selling a 2 inch lift kit for both RWD and AWD Previas!!

    What are y'alls thoughts on this kit? Pros/cons? I was going to contact them and see what the current progress is on developing this kit and what ballpark pricing might be.

    Below are some of the threads I've been following for others attempting/researching this modification. Hopefully this helps others.
    1993 Previa LE All-trac (AWD) - SOLD

  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Preparing to lift a 93 Previa All-trac

    I think it's awesome! Much better than the hack job I did . Very interesting on the drive-line geometry lesson. This was the 1st vehicle I lifted and had no idea that changing pinion angles beyond parallel lines would result in destroying u-joints (makes sense though). I never compared transmission/pinion angles so this might even explain the minor vibration I had after lifting...........when I say minor, I notice because I'm programmed to (most people would not).

    Looks like that guy knows what he's doing and I would recommend his products (assuming they are affordable). Tim

    BTW, my famous lifted Previa is for sale! You can own for only $2k

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