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Thread: Block Heater Install

  1. #1
    Van Enthusiast
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    Block Heater Install

    Has anyone installed a block heater in their van?
    Freeze plug or otherwise?

    Is it true the van uses 4x 35mm and 1 x 50mm freeze plugs?


  2. #2
    Van Obsessed
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    Re: Block Heater Install

    I removed the one that was on mine, have never liked water jacket heaters and it was leaking (common problem).
    I ordered the replacement frost plug from the dealer and didn't measure it, sorry.

    If you're gonna do it, look for the kind that put a heating block against the oil pan, much better for the engine to have warm oil on a cold start.
    Added bonus is no hidden coolant leaks.

  3. #3
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Block Heater Install

    There are only 2 freeze plugs that would be "sort of" accessible & both are 35 mm. Out of the 4 on the driver's side of the block, only the very front and very back ones are reachable. The front one is right behind the alternator, but it's got the power steering pump brace crossing right in front of it. The one in the very back Would be tough to access due to the exhaust down-pipe and the front drive shaft (for 4wd models). I've never tried to replace a freeze plug on a van with the engine installed, and frankly, I wouldn't want to. If I absolutely had to keep my engine warm, I would probably go with an external heating pad. Probably won't last forever, but if it fails you can peel it off and put another one on. These come with self adhesive. You peel off the non-stick backing and apply directly to the oil pan. Tim

  4. #4
    Van Enthusiast
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    Re: Block Heater Install

    I'm also exploring block heaters. It's been -30F in the mornings the past few weeks and will continue, if not get colder. I don't remember having much issues starting my cars but this year I have, especially with the van which is the first winter I've had it. Today I picked up a magnetic oil pan heater to try out, I'll see how it does in the morning. But I'm already considering exchanging it for the adhesive, more permanent one as I can already tell it's not gonna be fun Climbing under twice a day to take it off and put it on.

    I picked up one that heats and pumps the coolant through the system today also for my land cruiser to try, but it's big and I am unsure if it wold work in the van, although it seems to be the way to go. A bit more costly and a bit more work, but to have most of my engine warmed and also my heater cores I feel it was a good investment living where I do and it being a daily driver. I'm considering trying a freeze plug one for my other land cruiser if I can get to a freeze plug easy and maybe on my van when I rebuild my spare engine.

    I'd be interested to hear anyone's experience on any application, especially if it's been in cold weather like we have here.

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