The Air Flow Meter is a super-easy fix (well, it was easy on an '85, which has none of the 2nd gen igniter "bonus parts" on top of the air filter box ... ). I harvested one from a long-dead parts van, used a new gasket per the manual, and all has remained well with that van. If you're not flush with cash, it would definitely be worth trying an AFM from a junkyard van (and if it was me, I'd pull more than one if possible ... just because ... )
Now, the blink speed(s) — They're different for 84-87 and 88-89 vans!
1984-87 vans have single digit trouble codes.
Quote from the 1985 Factory Service Manual:
(a) Normal System Operation (no malfunction)
The light will blink once every three seconds.
When displaying a trouble code:
• The ON interval is 1/3 second and the OFF interval is 2/3 second
• Each code is separated by three seconds, whether repeating a single trouble code or separating a series of multiple codes.
1988-89 vans have two-digit trouble codes, so the display intervals are different.
Quote from the 1989 Factory Service Manual:
(a) Normal System Operation (no malfunction)
• The light will alternately blink ON and OFF for 2 times per second.
To put that another way, according to the manual, the proper blink speed with no codes is 0.5 ON, 0.5 seconds OFF.
When showing codes, the ON interval remains 0.5 seconds, and the OFF interval is what varies:
• 4.0 seconds before the first "ON" interval
• 0.5 seconds OFF between each 0.5 seconds ON to display a code digit
• 1.5 seconds OFF between the first and second digits of each code
• 2.5 seconds OFF separate codes (for example, between the end of the second digit of the first code and the first flash for the first digit of the second code)
• 4.5 seconds OFF before repeating the full sequence of stored codes.
Hopefully this helps clarify.
PS — I wasn't ignoring you up until now, honest ... nor am I some kind of Van minutia trivia geek. Full disclosure — I just got Skyler (1989) running again this afternoon
and cleared codes and got the "fast blinking light" and about flipped out for the same reasons you were concerned — all my other vans all do the "slow blink" and I didn't realize there was any difference ... until today.