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Thread: rear heater control cables

  1. #1
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    rear heater control cables

    Can someone tell me if the Previa has rear heat/a.c. and does it have a similar cable in the rear as the Van? The cable in the Van goes from behind the drivers seat to behind the passenger seat(underneath the vehicle). I'm in need of the Van cable but it's too hard to find so I'm looking into the Previa cable now. Anyone have a picture of the cable?

  2. #2
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    the "rear heat" is just another flap within the HVAC assembly under the dashboard to divert more air to the ducts that runs through the doors... the unit mounted under the roof is rear A/C only, it does not provide heat

    I really wish we got the true rear heater that the Japanese Estima got. It sits somewhere near the 3rd row seats I think

  3. #3
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    Oh wow. I thought maybe they had upgraded from our vans' heater-we have an additional heater core for the rear heat and a condenser(if that's what it is) for the rear a/c. It does almost seem like overkill for our small vans but it's pretty sweet.
    I guess I will be figuring out another solution to my cable problem.
    Thanks for the info.

  4. #4
    Van Enthusiast pdgizwiz's Avatar
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    I had a Studebaker sedan once that had a heater core for the rear passengers. It could heat the rear of the car as fast as the front. It would roast your feet if you left it on full blast.

    The Previa FSM states that the cooling system capacity is 12 qt "with rear heater". I've never been able to drain 3 gallons out of one, though, and have wondered if the "rear heater" referred to is an accessory that is present in vans built for another country, or what.
    Is the coolant capacity of US Previa really three gallons?

  5. #5
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    seeing as it takes about 2 gallons of mixed coolant every time I change it, I would have to say 3 gallons is pretty accurate
    the previa DOES have a big heater core, you can easily make things go nuclear at max heat setting on any day... the longest cables I know of are the blend door ones, they run to the side vents to close/open them when you switch to defroster settings

  6. #6
    Van Enthusiast tbkilb01's Avatar
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    Does anyone have vent duct all the way the storage area behind rear seats? I was installing new speakers and found just a vent with the beginnings of a vent duct. Nothing connected to it though.

  7. #7
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    it's supposed to be for the real rear heater unit that was never equipped in North American Previas... I'm not sure if it was available in Europe, but certain home market Japanese Estimas did have them

  8. #8
    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    Re: rear heater control cables

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMAN View Post
    it's supposed to be for the real rear heater unit that was never equipped in North American Previas... I'm not sure if it was available in Europe, but certain home market Japanese Estimas did have them
    Wow, never knew. I was wondering why that was when I took out my panels.

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