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Thread: Where is the Blower Motor Located

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Where is the Blower Motor Located

    Hello! I have a 1991 Previa and the blower motor is busted where is it located and how easy is it to replace?

  2. #2
    Van Addict
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    Re: Where is the Blower Motor Located

    it's located under the hood... take off the huge scoop that's right in front of you once you opened the hood, then the blower motor box is right there...
    disconnect the A/C compressor clutch wire, the recirculate/fresh air flap cable, the power steering reservoir, the coolant reservoir, and various other little things... then remove just the two (or so) 10mm nuts that attaches the upper part of the box to the firewall... there are also some bolts towards the opening where the recirculate/fresh air flap is, remove those also... then you unclip this top part to remove it

    now proceed to disconnect the electrical connector that sits in front of the evaporator.... now proceed to remove all the rest of the 10mm nuts that attaches the much larger lower part of the blower box to the firewall, then you can take the whole thing out... you can then get to the blower motor this way

    it'll take at least an hour to take this off if you haven't done this before... there's all these little things in the way

  3. #3
    Forum Newbie
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    Re: Where is the Blower Motor Located

    Hell yeah! thanks for the info I got a new motor coming cannot wait for sweet sweet ac!

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