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Thread: 4wd Automatic and new to the forum. Need help sourcing a good starter!

  1. #1
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    4wd Automatic and new to the forum. Need help sourcing a good starter!

    Hi guys,

    I'm on my 3rd of 4th autozone starter in 12 months, I've lost count. Can anybody recommend a more reliable source?



  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: 4wd Automatic and new to the forum. Need help sourcing a good starter!

    Hi & welcome to TVT! Are you sure it's the starter? It's not unusual for these vans to develop problems in the trigger circuit and/or battery cables. Here's a thread where this is discussed:

    BTW, I'm moving this thread to the regular Toyota Van tech forum because this issue is not 4wd specific. Tim

  3. #3
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    Re: 4wd Automatic and new to the forum. Need help sourcing a good starter!

    Okay thanks for the guidance, I'm reading through the other thread now and looking into checking the contacts tomorrow. If my starter was installed in the fall and the van was garaged for the winter, it hasn't gotten much use yet. But it did start up after a hard tapping with a bat. Do you think that means the solenoid contacts are suspect?



  4. #4
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: 4wd Automatic and new to the forum. Need help sourcing a good starter!

    It could be. Could also be low voltage being delivered to the solenoid via the trigger circuit. 3 starters in such a short time span almost rules them out as being the problem. Can't really see the contacts being worn out either. At this point I'd want to rig up a volt meter and monitor the voltage being delivered via the trigger circuit. Check all your main cable connections, especially on the battery side. Tim

  5. #5
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    Re: 4wd Automatic and new to the forum. Need help sourcing a good starter!

    Okay I'll take a look at the connections tomorrow and see if my friend can help me check the voltage in the trigger circuit. I realized I was thinking about my Autozone alternators that keep crapping out on me. I had the original starter until I installed the current Autozone starter in the fall so it's young but only my second.

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