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Thread: No idea what this sensor is.

  1. #1
    Van Fan lokismind's Avatar
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    No idea what this sensor is.

    Hey helpful people that you all are. Whilst doing stuff to my van, (see my van service post) a wire broke off a connector. I can't seem to find a reference in the manual I am using to say what it is and Toyota were useless.

    Name:  IMG_1991.jpg
Views: 340
Size:  88.5 KB
    A: Thermotime Switch
    B: Coolant Temperature Sensor
    C: ????

    More the reason I ask is because the guy who seems to know about these vans at a Toyota wreckers is over 40 minutes away. Not a problem but I need to know if it is critical this sensor/switch is hooked up. If not I'll just drive over there when the vans back together and get him to fix it while I'm there.

    Or how the hell can I re wire it? can it even be done? I looked at the connector but it doesn't look overly reuse friendly.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: No idea what this sensor is.

    Assuming the Australian 95 Spacia is the same as US market 86-89 vans (which it appears to be), this is what you're looking at:

    A= Cold Start Injector Time Switch (non critical, only matters when engine is cold)

    B= ECU Temperature Sensor (critical for correct running)

    C= Temp Switch (non critical) to find out more about this read the HEAT SOAK thread.

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