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Thread: part number?

  1. #1
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    part number?

    Was hoping to get part number and good source for engine gasket kit?

    thought i read that full set was overkill, but that might have been on t4wd site.

    thanks steve

  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: part number?

    The most complete Toyota kit for a 86-89 4y engine is #04111-73038. This is an expensive kit (msrp= ~$250 or ~$180 at a discount Toyota parts site). If you're trying to save money you could get a cheap aftermarket kit but I'd strongly recommend a genuine Toyota head gasket. Toyota's valve grind gasket kit is part #04112-73035 & sells for ~$130 msrp or ~$95 at a discount site. In addition to the head gasket, this kit includes:

    *Valve seals
    *Intake/exhaust manifold gasket
    *Intake manifold plenum gasket
    *Exhaust doughnut gaskets
    *Valve cover gasket w/grommets
    *Bypass plate gasket (back of head)
    *Heater hose return pipe gasket
    *Spark plug tube o-rings
    *Misc fuel system crush washers

    There might be a few more things I'm missing, but you'll get these items for sure. If you're trying to be really frugal, then just get the head gasket alone from Toyota & go aftermarket on everything else. Head gasket by itself is Toyota part #11115-73030 (msrp= ~$70 dealer or ~$50 from a discount site). I've never purchased the head gasket all alone from Toyota, but I've heard reports they do not package it well (likely to be damaged during shipping). The prior mentioned kits come with a sheet of cardboard & that (along with the other gaskets) adds rigidity/support (less likely for things to be damaged).

    Not all aftermarket gaskets are created equal. These can be found cheap almost anywhere (even eBay). Some rival Toyota quality and some are junk (not sure which are which). If you go all aftermarket, you'd probably have better luck with name brands like Felpro or Beck Arnley.

    If you're doing engine assembly, then you'll also need a tube of FIPG (Form In Place Gasket). I believe Toyota's to be premium quality, but it's similar to a tube of black silicone. Toyota's part number for this is #00295-00103 & most dealers will have on hand for around $10 - $15. Don't cheap-out on this stuff. It's the only thing sealing your oil pan and it's helpful in a few other places. IMO paying Toyota's price on this is well worth it. For hints on where and how to use it visit my blog. Have fun. Tim

  3. #3
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    Re: part number?

    thanks again

  4. #4
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    Re: part number?

    Quote Originally Posted by timsrv View Post
    Toyota's valve grind gasket kit is part #04112-73035 & sells for ~$130 msrp or ~$95 at a discount site. In addition to the head gasket, this kit includes:

    *Valve seals
    *Intake/exhaust manifold gasket
    *Intake manifold plenum gasket
    *Exhaust doughnut gaskets
    *Valve cover gasket w/grommets
    *Bypass plate gasket (back of head)
    *Heater hose return pipe gasket
    *Spark plug tube o-rings
    *Misc fuel system crush washers

    If you're doing engine assembly, then you'll also need a tube of FIPG (Form In Place Gasket). I believe Toyota's to be premium quality, but it's similar to a tube of black silicone. Toyota's part number for this is #00295-00103 & most dealers will have on hand for around $10 - $15. Don't cheap-out on this stuff. It's the only thing sealing your oil pan and it's helpful in a few other places. IMO paying Toyota's price on this is well worth it. For hints on where and how to use it visit my blog. Have fun. Tim

    When you put the bypass plate gasket on, do you use any silicone or anything? (Same question for all the gaskets around inlet/ outlets on the head) from the links it looks like you use the FIPG on on only things like the oil pan. Do you put anything special on the gaskets when you install them?

  5. #5
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    Re: part number?

    I don't recommend using anything on the head gasket surface except the head gasket itself. Toyota has special sealers and adhesives built into the gasket already and it's supposed to go on dry. I would however avoid touching the head gasket and/or getting any contamination on it. I would also recommend spending some time/effort making sure the head and the block deck are extremely clean of any residue or debris before assembly. After mechanically cleaning, I recommend using a harsh chemical like brake clean or acetone to remove any residue. I will usually wipe the head & deck surfaces down 3 or 4 times until the paper towels stay clean.

    Gaskets are supposed to seal by themselves, and I'll usually rely on them alone for areas that contain oil. I have however had an occasional cooling system leak, so this has made me take extra precautions (I hate taking things back apart). For this reason, I will usually put a very thin film of FIPG on each side of the gaskets that contain coolant (reference my blog). If using a Toyota gasket on the bypass plate (back of head), I usually don't use FIPG as this gasket has an added rubbery bead to help make the seal. Tim

  6. #6
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    Re: part number?

    Thanks so much! Head Gasket I did exactly as you prescribed (I had found some other threads and had read about the brake cleaner, the parallel microabrasions etc) The other gaskets did appear to be self-sealing gaskets, so that was my inclination, but I'm going to follow your lead on the coolant touching ones getting a little FIPG, that was just the kind of Easter egg I was looking for.
    Last edited by pythagorean; 06-09-2015 at 04:32 PM.

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