I have a 1984 toyota van, it is my 4th, I bought it about 5 years ago and it supposedly needed a new fuel pump, I can't remember whether or not I put one in but it had another thing it was doing where it would send a little spurt of gas (I think it was the cold injector working but then no more gas, I monkeyed with it trying over and over again to start it and it would run half a second and die and then eventually it just ran. I never really knew what was wrong so it ran for 5 years or so and then a few days ago i went to another nearby town and when I stopped it it wouldnt start again, called a wrecker towed it home and viola it started taking it off the flatbed, the next day i took it to dinner when i came out no start. overnight went back and up it started, got it home no start and then after sitting over night it didn't start so I used the shunt to run the pump didnt hear anything checked at the back plug, Power was there so I pull the tank pull the pump test it and it works perfectly, i set it in a bucket of gas under the van (I know) checked the pressure at the fuel rail and it was 40 psi so what the hell i started it, perfect runs like a champ I run it for 15 minutes shut it down starts right back up again I do it a couple more times and perfect so I am in trouble here I am going to Burningman the back way Jungo Road 100 miles of dirt isolation and trouble so I am loathe to do it in a van that may or may not start. what do you think oh all knowing sages? Heat soak? tired pump? bad luck? let me know quick