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Thread: 1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

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  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
    My Van(s):
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    1989 Van Restore- Help me ID Something

    Hey everyone. I’m new here and this is likely discussed somewhere on this expansive forum. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what this cable is actually for.

    Background: I’m trying to get my father in laws 1989 Toyota Van back running that’s been sitting in my backyard for over a decade. It has 145k well-maintained miles on it. Interior is nearly flawless.

    I have so far replaced:
    -Spark Plugs
    -Distributor Cap

    I have new wires and a fuel filter I have yet to replace.
    The van wouldn’t turn over after I replaced the battery so I replaced the starter. Now it turns over, but no fire/ignition launch. I’m thinking the fuel pump needs to be replaced because I do not hear any sort of hum from the gas tank when I have the key engaged.

    Anywhoo, can someone tell me what the wire/cable in the picture is? It looks like it’s disconnected from the throttle but I can’t really tell where it’s supposed to be hooked to. Tracing it back it goes down under the shifter area on the drivers side. Any assistance/insight into what this is and what it needs to be hooked to would be much appreciated as I try to get this relic back on the road.

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