Thanks for all the input! I called multiple glass shops and everyone told me they couldn't find one. Safelite DID eventually locate one in AZ (I'm in Oregon) and with shipping it would've run around 550 installed. I had called Cascade glass in VAncouver, WA and they couldn't locate one, but I was still traveling in my van and on a lark i stopped into another Cascade shop in Boise, ID and the gal diligently searched, finding one both in Eugene, OR and Medford, OR. I believe the brand is Coach glass. Still, cost was $325 installed...(I was watching her search and the wholesale price was like $77.00)

Rockauto listed only ONE available and at a reasonable price ($112 or so) but another hundred to ship and another $125-$150 to get someone to install it and I was worried about it arriving cracked, after reading some horror stories.

I went with the Cascade one - guy came to my house and certainly seemed to do a great job. Had been doing auto glass for 24 years, he said...

When I had the first one replaced about 2-3 years ago it was $220 and no problem to find. I'm more worried about ever finding another one, much less paying for it which is why I'd love to avoid this problem again if possible. Last summer I had another rock chip and went in just a few hours to find a glass repair place, which saved it from cracking. Is it because the windshield is so upright so that the rocks hit with more force and that they crack so doggone easily? I've been driving for a heck of a lot of years and never had a windshield crack before this van...

I really, really love my van, but it's getting pretty expensive for someone like me who isn't capable of doing my own repairs. I dread the day when there's something I need that I just can't find...