I have a 94 AWD non supercharged Previa and for long time I have knocking noise mainly at low gears mainly when high torque is delivered, apparently aside of the inconvenient of the loud noise and since there is no snow here… everything seems to be ok…but off course it is a matter of time until something will ‘give’.
I suspect it has to do with some kind of slippage at the differential that distributes the torque for the front and rear axles,at the output of the trannr and I know there is a chain there, so one option is that for some reason that chain is jumping over its sprocket –but somehow and based on intuition only and my motorbike experience, it is not that kind of feeling- again I might be wrong on that… but since I don’t have drawing of that final drive differential I am not sure what else can get wrong there.
So my questions are
1. Did anybody experience such phenomena?
2. Does anybody has or know where can I get access to a good drawing of that differential?
3. Aside of buying h whole tranny and take the necessary part any idea where to get replacements like chain, sprockets pinion etc. ?
4. if indeed i will need to replace that chain, is that a unique part for previa or there are more competiable like a chain of 4runner for example?
Thanks for any help
I will try to make a video of the phenomena and upload it to youtube