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Thread: Heater Fan not working, where is the blower relay?

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    Forum Newbie
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    Heater Fan not working, where is the blower relay?

    Hi all,

    Thanks for being here! I just bought a 1985 2WD, and I'm loving putting her all back together.

    Ok, that's a stretch... I'm loving the thought of having her all back together!

    I'm trying to track down the issue with the heater- not functioning.

    I've checked the breaker, the reset is pushed in, and it checked out for continuity.

    I've checked the resistor pack, which is corroded to crumbling... but when I turn on the fan to "4", and check the power at the blower, I get nothing. No voltage.

    I'm attaching a couple of photos to make sure I'm doing this right. Is the red circled plug on the blower motor the power plug?

    If so, is it possible for the resistor pack to be so corroded as to kill all power to the blower?

    And last, folks are all talking about replacing the blower relay. ...Sounds like a great idea... but which one is it?

    I've been trying to find it on the diagrams, with no luck! I've taken a picture of the fuse box, and the relays there...

    Which one is it? A, B, C or D?

    Thank you!
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