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Thread: 1987 TV 4wd 5 spd: cannot shift gears, stuck in gear

  1. #1
    Van Fan
    My Van(s):
    1987 4wd 5sp
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    Mar 2011
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    1987 TV 4wd 5 spd: cannot shift gears, stuck in gear

    My van just broke. I'm on a roadtrip and something went out.

    Clutch does not not seem to effect anything, has tension. Stick shift does not find any gear. Moves forward and back only. It's as if the gear box dropped or a cable broke. I can slowly get van going by feathering but can't do more than 45 mph once up to speed. I'm thinking tranny is stuck in 3rd. Doubt it's got enough power to make it up a big hill. I got a few between where I am and home...

    Any help, advice or someone know what I can do to fix?

  2. #2
    Van Fan
    My Van(s):
    1988 Toyota van 4x4 manual
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
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    Re: 1987 TV 4wd 5 spd: cannot shift gears, stuck in gear

    Take off the center console and check the movement of the cables. If it's a cable to will be able to tell. If the shifter moves freely without resistance front to back in the 3rd and 4th position, you can bet it's a cable. But take off console to verify.

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