Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
still on my quest to replace my CV axels, inner boots blown on both axels. 4wd seems to work, but snow will be flying before we know it...
I posted a video if my current axels HERE =>
There is a bit of play so wondering if that is damage (buy new axels) or normal due to lack of grease (tear down and rebuild existing)
My question is assuming the looseness is bad and I need new axels I have a part # mystery I uncovered on ToyoDIY that needs solving...
My VIN shows 43430-28010 as the part number
Cross referencing the 43430-28010 part I get this list of vehicles:
Based on this posting I also tried 43430-28011 just for kicks and noticed there is overlap, indicating the parts are interchangable even tho they have difference part #'s (??!)
You can also see here that both parts show the same van config:
So the question is whether is whether a 28010 and 28011 are interchangeable?
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Best way to determine if damaged is to pull and inspect. However in my experience, ALL CV axles on every Toyota I have owned have had some play between the diff and the hub to some degree. Even the star's have "a bit of wiggle" to them. When they break theres a tell tale "crack or serious binding taking place. I would pull, inspect and reboot if they are good after you clean them up. Beck Arnley and Empi sell boot kits, and can be found on Amazon for a reasonable price (come with the grease packets also).
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Thanks - so play is ok, got it. Will research the boots - last time I checked the suppliers you mention only sold outer boots, nobody sold inners that I could find and no recommended replacement boot hacks on TVT that I could find.
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Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
What in the heck is this, and what does it do?
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Load sensing proportioning and by-pass valve (LSP & PV ). It adjust the front to rear brake balance depending on weight and location of the load in the van. :)
If the van has been lifted ( looking at your tires, it may have) the bracket on the axle need to be modified .
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Thanks! I guess it's in the brakes section of the repair manual. The pic is not of my van.
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Hey! That's my van. Sweet! I drove for years (10 or so) without extending the bracket after the lift. I finally made a bracket a bit back and the difference is quite noticeable.
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Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
‘88 4x4 manual. Part number for this BVSV?
Attachment 9486
Attachment 9487
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
See THIS THREAD for the part number and a cheaper (but viable) substitute.
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Hey! I have a 1985 van and am looking for a distributor. All I can find online are ones that say 86' (link below), it looks right. is this the same part? Will it work for an 85? Where else can I look?
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
84 - 85 vans have vacuum advance (distributor uses a vacuum diaphragm to actuate timing advance manually). 86 - 89 vans have electronic advance (ECU advances timing based on input from the throttle position sensor). The distributor in your link will physically fit, but you would need make some other major changes to the wiring and replace your ECU and igniter before it would function correctly. If your original distributor is actually bad, and you can't find a new one, then your best bet is to find a used one in a salvage yard or use one of the salvage yard search sites. Sometimes you'll find good used ones on eBay. Good luck! Tim
PS: Looks like there's a Chinese reproduction on eBay for $80 (+ $35 shipping), but no telling what quality/longevity you could expect:
FYI, the original Toyota part number for a 1985 van's distributor is #19030-73020. This one is listed under #19030-73040, but lists the number you want in the description as interchangeable. Personally I'd be a bit concerned using a Chinese reproduction for a critical part like this.
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Why do you think you need a distributor. Something with a vacuum advance is a pretty basic unit.
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Originally Posted by
Why do you think you need a distributor. Something with a vacuum advance is a pretty basic unit.
Do you have access to a factory service manual? The procedure for checking it out is unusual and the manual is a great help.
I have an 84 FSM
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Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Attachment 9718
Part/part number? would this affect idle speed? Replaced valve cover gasket and looks like this got broke in the process. Idleing in start up at close to 1800rpm. 88 4wd manual.
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
That's your "Idle-up VSV" Toyota part number 90910-12003. Unfortunately it has been discontinued, so your only option will likely be to pull one from a salvaged van and/or use one of those salvage yard part locator sites. For more information on what it does, here's a good thread:
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Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Originally Posted by
That's your "Idle-up VSV" Toyota part number 90910-12003. Unfortunately it has been discontinued, so your only option will likely be to pull one from a salvaged van and/or use one of those salvage yard part locator sites.
Any idea if there is a functional difference between Idle-up VSV 90910-12003 vs 90910-12005? I searched ToyoDIY and it appears it has the same application just a different last digit.
Attachment 9721
If it'll work, I have one on the workbench next to me whatvan if you need it, just let me know.
Re: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1
Not sure. It's very possible, even likely there are multiple VSV's used by Toyota (and others) with the exact same function. I'm guessing the only difference between some may be the configuration of the mounting bracket. If you find one that you think may work, you can test to see if it's functionally identical. Just try blowing through the nipples to see if air flows (normally open) or if it does not flow (normally closed), then activate it with 12V and blow again. Once you know how it functions you can test other similar type VSV's found elsewhere (even on other makes and models of cars). If/when you find one that functions the same way you could use that. If it doesn't mount the same you could wire tie it up or just let it dangle from the wires/vacuum hoses. Tim