View Full Version : 1986’ cargo ECU WIRELESS

02-29-2024, 04:17 PM
Hi there, looking for some help to put my ECU back together. Last year my dogs got inside my van and tore it apart because of a rodent. They disconnected/severed the wiring harness located under driver side seatbelt. . Here’s what my mechanic says…

“Yes the wiring on that side goes to the starter and a sensor. I have not gotten on forums if we could get detailed pictures of the ecu harness and colors of wires for each plug.. and same with starter side that would be a big help ”

please please please

very much want to get this back on the road and the information I need isn’t in my repair manual.

03-04-2024, 04:40 PM
Ouch! Sorry to hear about that, that's a major bummer. How'd they even get in there? From the bottom under the van? I'd assume since I dunno if they were smart enough to open the engine hatch but anywho, I'll provide some info:

As A disclaimer, I do not have an exact Electrical Diagram for an 86 but I have one for my 89, perhaps it can be of reference at least. As for an 86 and an 89 it probably has some differences . Although one thing I'm conflicted on is the wiring harness under the driver's side seatbelt. Do you mean the ECU [TCCS] itself (which is in the driver's side pillar, where the seatbelt it) or UNDER the seatbelt area, as in the engine compartment past the air filter? As that would be for the things you can see which I've attached in pictures 5 and 6 at the bottom.

Anyways here's some photos below that I will attach for the starting system:


And here to clear up the confusion on where the damage would be, maybe some pictures on your end could help out maybe? Just an idea!


As for the starter wiring, which "sensor" did the mechanic specify? Air Flow Meter or something else? If not, no worries just would be helpful to know if possible :thmbup: Hope this helps out somewhat!

03-05-2024, 10:27 AM
thank you so much for your reply !

i will get some pictures but to clear up the confusion, I definitely meant the ecu wire cluster that’s in the little bay under the drivers seat belt area behind the left shoulder. Like you might imagine, the little port that covers that area was not attached that day and the door was open so the dogs got inside AND under the van and tore of a dozen items. Mostly under but this wire cluster seems like the most heinous things they wrecked.

03-12-2024, 12:10 AM
I see, so they got into the engine hatch on the driver's side then... bummer!!! Do you have any pics of the damage? Just to scale it, I can see if there's anything I left out relative to the damage in that case then :silvervan::doh:

04-06-2024, 12:15 AM
Here is a picture of the cable cluster that was severed ..