Ian R.
01-04-2024, 10:47 PM
After reassembling the timing case/chain/cover to replace a snapped water pump bolt the van won’t fire. When I first tried to turn the engine over the battery was dead ( I had battery disconnected while doing the work). So I tried jumping the battery. Engine cranked but did not fire. I noticed some weird noise coming from behind the radio while the key is turned to the on position. It is not quite a buzzing noise, but an eaking energy noise.
I have replaced the bad battery (it tested bad) and the same symptom when trying to start. I disconnected the alternator and the alternator ground and turned the key to the on position and the noise does not happen (I did not try to turn it over). Which makes me think the noise has something to do with the alternator. Looking at the wiring diagram the b/w wire to the alternator is tied to the IG main relay. Any chance that I fried the alternator when trying to jump the van and now it is interfering with the ignition/efii
I realize their could be a timing issue related to the no fire after removing and reinstalling the timing chain. But I am certain I performed it correctly by following the manual and reading the blog post on here and triple checking my work as I went along.
I also have inspected the fusible links and they all appear to be in good shape. With the exception of the FL .5G. It may be questionable.
Any thoughts?
I have replaced the bad battery (it tested bad) and the same symptom when trying to start. I disconnected the alternator and the alternator ground and turned the key to the on position and the noise does not happen (I did not try to turn it over). Which makes me think the noise has something to do with the alternator. Looking at the wiring diagram the b/w wire to the alternator is tied to the IG main relay. Any chance that I fried the alternator when trying to jump the van and now it is interfering with the ignition/efii
I realize their could be a timing issue related to the no fire after removing and reinstalling the timing chain. But I am certain I performed it correctly by following the manual and reading the blog post on here and triple checking my work as I went along.
I also have inspected the fusible links and they all appear to be in good shape. With the exception of the FL .5G. It may be questionable.
Any thoughts?