View Full Version : 1985 toyota van fuel filter???

11-02-2023, 02:10 AM
It has a wonderful 230,000 miles, and was recently rear-ended by a big F250; a wonderful van though. A few months after the accident it started running rough(missing) on occasion, which became intermittent, and now is practically constant. On the occasion that it wants to run fine, it runs like a champ, but then jumps right back into it's rough missing style. I replaced all electrical and played with it's vacuum hoses. I want to replace the fuel filter next but can't find it on first sight, and don't want to spend the money on a book as it might not be worth it(though I wish the best).

Can someone tell me where the fuel filter so I can go to the next step?

11-02-2023, 03:00 PM
Sort of below the distributor. It is quite big for a gasoline engine, almost like a diesel filter. And a pain to replace.

11-02-2023, 04:20 PM
The search bar is your best resource.
I searched, "fuel filter"

Chad Long
11-16-2024, 02:24 PM
Did this fix your issue with the miss? I'm having the same problem