View Full Version : Wiper blade mount conversion

08-07-2023, 03:04 PM
Hey folks, just wondering if anyone might be able to confirm something with regarding some parts:
so a few days ago the head (whatever it might be, see picture, the part that you insert your wiper blade onto) decided to explode randomly not kidding,:lol: and now im down on a good wiper blade.

according to Toyota and part diagrams, the head piece seems to be one with the wiper arm assembly. does anyone know if it can be found individually perhaps? thanks. i know it rains rarely but it would be at least nice to have two wiper blades!

08-23-2023, 06:39 AM
I had a similar issue. I decided to convert mine to the more standard wiper mount you see in most cars today. My van is at my shop and when I get there I will send you pics. With these new mounts I was able to modify a Ford Taurus wipe blade to my van. It is longer and provides a much bigger view. I will get there this weekend and take some pics.

08-24-2023, 05:17 AM
I looked back and found the parts to make the conversion.

Go here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015YD1US8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

You have to make 2 holes in each wiper arm for these to work. Then Just get what ever wiper you want. I just happen to have an older Ford Taurus and the blades are BIG. Took a little persuasion but I was able to get them to fit and have a much larger viewing experience.