View Full Version : Can I tap into the alternator wire plus box?

03-27-2023, 05:05 PM
I'm temporarily installing my electric fan setup for countering the heat soak. In the future I will be permanently installing it with an extra fuse block and terminal junctions etc, for now though I just want to test it out and have something working. Since I'm only temporarily installing it I'm wondering if I can tap into the plus box that the alternator wire runs to. The third picture from this post https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/content.php?201-Replacing-the-alternator-harness. Would this stress the electrical system too much? The fan I'm using is a torqflo 733670 and it pulls about 5 amps continuous. I would also be tapping in the couple relays that are powering the fan. If the fan is too much and I need to run it directly to the battery, should the relays be okay to tap in, I have to positive side wires I need to hook up.

03-28-2023, 08:06 AM
I see no reason why you can't connect a fan to the plus box, if you use a relay, and a fuse between the relay and the plus box.

I don't understand what you mean by tapping in to the couple relays, what are you going to use to trigger the fan? A thermo sensor, a switch, a timer?

03-28-2023, 01:26 PM
I don't understand what you mean by tapping in to the couple relays, what are you going to use to trigger the fan? A thermo sensor, a switch, a timer?

I meant that if the fan side of the relay was too much then would the trigger side be still okay to wire in since that part doesn't use much power.

03-28-2023, 01:35 PM
what are you going to use to trigger the fan? A thermo sensor, a switch, a timer?

I'm going to be using a combination of a thermostat switch, standard relay, and a time delay off relay. Similar to the setup Tim talked about in the heat soak thread. I'll post pictures there with a more detailed description of it later.