View Full Version : No fuel to carb 1990 liteace ym35

09-26-2022, 05:24 AM
Hi all,
I have a 1990 Toyota liteace ym35. It was running when parked 3 years ago.

The engine moves and turns over. I've replaced the fuel but I can't seem to get fuel to the carb.

I can blow air through the filter and up to carb. I can blow air through the return line from the fuel pump.

I can't blow air through the fuel intake line. (from fuel tank to fuel filter) does this have a non return valve on it or is this likely to be blocked?

Is there anything else I should be looking at?

Thank you in advance

09-27-2022, 08:42 AM
Unfortunately, NA vans never came with carburetors and our manuals are NA spec, not rest of world, so we have no intel on your fuel system.

If you cant blow thru the line from the tank to the filter that at least identifies where your problem lies.

How are you blowing? (items disconnected?) it might be as simple as tracing the lines and looking for devices/damage
Is the line is still connected to the tank during your blow test?
There is likely some sort of sock filter on the pick up tube in the tank that could well be causing/contributing to your problem.

The other question is what's gas like there, here we have ethanol added to it, which over time will phase separate and in a few months can turn into something much like industrial grade jello and is an excellent product for plugging things up.

Good luck