View Full Version : Autmatic transmission (4wd) don't shift, stuck in 1st gear

09-22-2022, 10:10 AM
Hi all!

My tranny don't shift anymore.

After a stop on the road, the tranny decided
To don't shift and stay in 1st gear.
Everything looks normal, except it stay on 1st gear

Thank you

09-22-2022, 02:49 PM
Have you pulled the dipstick of the transmission, and checked the level? And also smell the dipstick, if it smells burned/smokey.
And do you still have reverse?

09-22-2022, 03:18 PM
​oil is red, no bad smell. reverse still work....

09-22-2022, 05:13 PM
Maybe i am too much of an optimist, but i can imagine, that your transmission is fine, it is just not knowing that you pressed the accelerator. I think there is a cable, (pull cable, looks like a bicycle brake cable) that goes from the throttlebody to the gearbox, mine runs sort of from the throttle, over the oil filter towards the right side of the gearbox, towards the same spot the gear selector cable goes.
maybe something snagged the cable? Or it jumped off the rail at the throttle?

09-23-2022, 04:50 PM
Finally it was rhe kickdown cable stuck in open position

The van runs normally now. Thanks!