01-19-2022, 11:19 AM
I have an 86' 5spd 2wd and am in the progress of doing an (possibly the first) EV conversion on my van. I'll be using a clutch, as my wife would like to drive and a clutch is a good safety piece for EV conversions. So keeping the 5spd, I need to rebuild it. Everything is loose and the spring is twisted and skewed.
Does anyone have part numbers? I used to have an 87' Mr2 and the shifter box is nearly identical.
Could I use this? MR2 rebuild ( 6jyg35mfPqdIZBQPBNPAVPUr3k7gZXNb8CeKw1hQh5BoCgnIQA vD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_1843970788_69216074385_346429322783 _pla-354955385025_c__944005202_12768591&utm_custom2=1843970788&gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQjpkEhLIG6U6jyg35mfP qdIZBQPBNPAVPUr3k7gZXNb8CeKw1hQh5BoCgnIQAvD_BwE&variation0=2202610277). Not against using non-oem as long as the aesthetic and looks aren't too off from stock.
I've gone so far as to automate the shifter with positional linear actuators and a controller... but a slick rebuild shifter would look much better and work... just work. Could a k20 RSX shifter box work? Open to any and all ideas.
Thanks in advance,
van and mR2 shifter box images attached
Does anyone have part numbers? I used to have an 87' Mr2 and the shifter box is nearly identical.
Could I use this? MR2 rebuild ( 6jyg35mfPqdIZBQPBNPAVPUr3k7gZXNb8CeKw1hQh5BoCgnIQA vD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_1843970788_69216074385_346429322783 _pla-354955385025_c__944005202_12768591&utm_custom2=1843970788&gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQjpkEhLIG6U6jyg35mfP qdIZBQPBNPAVPUr3k7gZXNb8CeKw1hQh5BoCgnIQAvD_BwE&variation0=2202610277). Not against using non-oem as long as the aesthetic and looks aren't too off from stock.
I've gone so far as to automate the shifter with positional linear actuators and a controller... but a slick rebuild shifter would look much better and work... just work. Could a k20 RSX shifter box work? Open to any and all ideas.
Thanks in advance,
van and mR2 shifter box images attached