01-19-2022, 11:19 AM
I have an 86' 5spd 2wd and am in the progress of doing an (possibly the first) EV conversion on my van. I'll be using a clutch, as my wife would like to drive and a clutch is a good safety piece for EV conversions. So keeping the 5spd, I need to rebuild it. Everything is loose and the spring is twisted and skewed.

Does anyone have part numbers? I used to have an 87' Mr2 and the shifter box is nearly identical.

Could I use this? MR2 rebuild (https://www.etsy.com/listing/944005202/mr2-and-celica-replacement-shifter-cup?gpla=1&gao=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_d-electronics_and_accessories-car_parts_and_accessories-car_parts&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQjpkEhLIG6U 6jyg35mfPqdIZBQPBNPAVPUr3k7gZXNb8CeKw1hQh5BoCgnIQA vD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_1843970788_69216074385_346429322783 _pla-354955385025_c__944005202_12768591&utm_custom2=1843970788&gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQjpkEhLIG6U6jyg35mfP qdIZBQPBNPAVPUr3k7gZXNb8CeKw1hQh5BoCgnIQAvD_BwE&variation0=2202610277). Not against using non-oem as long as the aesthetic and looks aren't too off from stock.

I've gone so far as to automate the shifter with positional linear actuators and a controller... but a slick rebuild shifter would look much better and work... just work. Could a k20 RSX shifter box work? Open to any and all ideas.

Thanks in advance,


van and mR2 shifter box images attached

01-30-2022, 09:29 PM
You know, I have no idea whatsoever. However, as a fellow aspiring Toyota Van EV conversion-haver, I'm going to take a shot at answering your question. I've spent a fair bit of time at parts.toyota.com and toyoDIY, and I think I know how to answer your question.

I started at parts.toyota.com and navigated my way to the transmission parts for a 1986 base Toyota Van. I wound up being forced into a list of assemblies that were ostensibly labeled "A/T" but it was easy to find the manual shifter exploded diagram. Here it is! (https://parts.toyota.com/a/Toyota_1986_Van-BASE-AT/_65512_6729923/SHIFT-LEVER--RETAINER/651420-3312.html) If you go to "View full size" then I think you'll find the part that you are asking about when you posted the 3d-printed MR2 part. It seems like the 33556f in the exploded diagram for the 1986 Van shifter is the same part as the one in the 1980s MR2. I managed to navigate my way to identical part numbers by starting with the MR2 and drilling down to the shifter. Finally, the only vehicles in the "What This Fits" tab were the MR2 and the Van:


and that scanned image sure does look like the 3d-printed MR2 shifter cup in that link you posted.

Anyhow, no idea if any of the above holds water, but that's how I would go about finding those part numbers, and figuring out if that 3d-printed part would work in your van.

02-01-2022, 11:18 AM
Well done! I really appreciate this. I'm deep into the conversion now that the motor is out.

Maybe we need to start an EV thread.



02-01-2022, 01:18 PM
The done thing here is to post to already-existing threads. Most of the topics we'd need to post about already have a thread, and they're all very well tagged. So, if you go to the Advanced Search and type "part numbers" into the Tag field, you'll get a list of the most important threads on the place related to part numbers. Top hit should be the stickied thread right above this one:

The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT'S-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for US Toyota Vans 1984-1989 (https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/showthread.php?6192-The-WHAT-IS-THIS-PART-and-WHAT-S-THE-PART-NUMBER-Thread-for-US-Toyota-Vans-1984-1989)
So, optimally, that's where your question about the shifter cup part number should have gone. However, I suspect that there are a sufficient number of topics that are EV-conversion-specific to make an EV thread worthwhile. For example, there's already a thread about power steering delete (https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/showthread.php?6223-Power-steering-delete), but no posting regarding conversion to Volvo electric power steering, which is a pretty normal thread to find over at, say, diyelectriccar (https://www.diyelectriccar.com).

I myself only have an inop '87 in the backyard, and a long list of bookmarks, while it sounds like you are already mid-conversion, so I have all kinds of questions for you! Also there's not a single TV EV build thread anywhere on the Internet (as I'm sure you already know!) so I think there's good reason to start an EV-specific thread.