View Full Version : 1986 Toyota Van LE - 1 day old battery is refusing to be charged by 1 day old alty.

11-13-2021, 02:56 PM
Hello folks! Im really glad this forum is as active as it seems.
Anyways, hopefully you all could help me with my tribulations here.

Last week, as they all do, my alternator hit the brakes. So I ordered a new one which took 9 days to get here. Yesterday, i installed the thing. And i recharged my battery on a battery charger. I fired it up at the end of the day and thankfully the 'No Recharge' light turned off. I drove 30 minutes home and eventually the dash lights got really dim, it got to a point where indicating right or left meant on or off for the radio between blinks. So i ordered a new battery. Same thing. It died on the way back from a friends house and now im in a back alley somewhere ripping my dash apart to check wires.

Is the alternator knowledgeable of when a battery needs juice?

Which wire is responsible for this knowledge haha?
Thank you.

11-13-2021, 07:06 PM
Sounds like you need to slow down a little, firing that parts cannon before diagnosing gets expensive fast.

Most of the usual suspects wont be hiding in the dash so no need to start there.
This is a very well travelled road, the search function is your friend here.
You really need to start with checking with a meter and going from there

For whats its worth the factory alternators are very robust and they usually die from neglect, not age.
Power steering fluid contamination is #1 (theres a thread on that, too)

All the testing information you need (as well as proven repairs) is in those threads, when you find a thread that fits and still need help, posting to that thread will get more attention.

11-13-2021, 09:14 PM
Thanls friend, will do.