View Full Version : New old Toyota 1988 YR22

06-09-2021, 10:57 AM
Hi all,

Well, finally I got it, of course nothing went as planned and it took one week more. Still don't have the papers, though...
Anyway, it run well, it is a manual and gears are smooth, brakes are ok I guess, did not try an emergency brake, but regular brake is ok.

But I got a question, when I drive I feel a hot stream of air on my leg coming from the engine, same things on passenger seat.

Is it normal or does it indicate a problem with the seal or maybe the seats are not "closed" enough (I still manage to lock the hook).

Best regards

07-05-2021, 08:18 PM
The only thing I can think of is the driver seat seal/gasket affecting that side, and the service cover seal/gasket affecting the passenger side.

07-06-2021, 07:00 AM
Hi PrecisionDriven, thank you for your answer. Then it is not normal. I checked the seal , and it seemed fine. I'll check again more carefully, maybe I missed something.

07-06-2021, 10:57 PM
How did you "check" the seal?

If hot engine compartment air is seeping into the cabin the seals are always the first suspect in the line up.
A visual is not sufficient, put a pice of paper over the seal (in the area where the leak is noticeable)(printer paper or foolscap works well) and latch the seat, then try to pull out the paper.
The paper should at the very least be difficult to remove, if not impossible.
If it slides out with relative ease, there is insufficient clamping force on the seal.

07-06-2021, 11:17 PM
Yes, I have to admit that my check was only visual and lacked of thoroughness.

Thank you for your advice/tip, I will test with a paper sheet, that's clever :thmbup: