View Full Version : Brake pedal squish noise

04-22-2021, 12:06 AM
Friends, I am hearing a squish noise when I let up on the brake pedal. It doesn't seem to have a pattern if it's a hard press, but noticeable when my foot lets up on it. I do also see since fluid on the floor mat.
Do I have a worn master cylinder that needs to be replaced or some other issue? Certainly can use some of your advice. Thank you.

04-23-2021, 01:12 AM
There quite a few threads on this I typed in "master cylinder" and over 100 threads came up. I didn't read thru all of them but check out this one for beginners


If this thread works for your specific issue then post in that thread and let us know to delete this one so its not a deadend thread.

Good luck :thmbup: