View Full Version : Oil + Filter Change (How-to)

10-21-2020, 03:27 PM
Recently purchased an '86 2WD VanWagon and found this forum. What a wonderful resource! So I figured I would contribute a detailed oil change tutorial since I didn't see one!

Please let me know if there is anything to add, edit, or expand on, as this is my first write up!

First open the drivers side engine cover. Then pull the dipstick out slightly, for faster draining.

Then, locate the oil pan drain plug.


Set up your preferred vessel under the oil pan, then using a 14mm socket crack the drain plug loose, remove the bolt and gasket, and let it drain.
(HINT...These gaskets like to get stuck on the bottom of the oil pan so double check before installing new one)


Next you can open the small engine cover behind the passengers seat, to expose the oil filter and power steering reservoir. This panel is held down with a threaded winged-bolt.

I found that this access to the oil filter was TOO SMALL for my hands, so I went UNDER the van, had much more room and was able to easily remove the old filter.

Make sure you get the filter gasket off with the old filter. You can also use a screwdriver to punch a hole in the top side of the filter before removal to drain it. This will help with the mess.

Old filter

New filter

Then lube the gasket with some new oil (10W30 in most climates), crawl back underneath and seat the new filter(I found a couple counter-clockwise turns will get the filter to seat correctly without cross threading) and hand tighten.


Next, install the drain plug and new gasket ( the part number for the correct washer is 90430-12028)
Tighten 20-30ft lbs


Finally fill with 3.5 litres of preferred motor oil. I used Mobil1 full synthetic 10w30 High Mileage.

Close filler cap, and dipstick reservoir. Check level.

Start engine, let idle for 3 minutes, and check for leaks!

10-21-2020, 03:44 PM
I would add that it is helpful to punch a hole in the top of the filter before pulling the drain plug to allow the filter to more readily drain back to the pan. This has saved me a considerable amount of mess when removing the upside down filter.

10-21-2020, 04:09 PM
I would add that it is helpful to punch a hole in the top of the filter before pulling the drain plug to allow the filter to more readily drain back to the pan. This has saved me a considerable amount of mess when removing the upside down filter.


10-22-2020, 08:04 AM
I like to check the oil level AFTER its been run, that way the filter is full too and you get an accurate level read.

And the "gasket" should be a metal crush washer, I've had issues with fibre gaskets and wont use them.

10-22-2020, 11:55 AM
Hey Burntboot! Thanks for the input! Curious what issues you've had with the fibre/composite crush washers? A metal crush washer came with the filter, but I was turned in the direction of the fibre washer by the Toyota parts people.
Part Number/Description: 90430-12028 / GASKET. Maybe this was inaccurate??

10-22-2020, 06:09 PM
I've had fibre washers fail, YMMV

I usually pick up several filters at a time, as the dealer is not close.
He knows me well enough to put a washer with each filter, not that they come that way, no clue on part number though.

10-22-2020, 06:17 PM
Come to think of it, perhaps he just knows me well enough to know that I prefer a crush washer??

If thats what your dealer supplied (and with a factory part number to boot) then thats the right thing to use.