07-11-2020, 01:14 PM
Short Version: I need a transmission mounting bracket (2wd 86 G53). Shop want's $20 a day storage now. If I can't find it ASAP I'm going to lose the whole thing and I've just poured everything I didn't have into it for years trying to replace the transmission but missing one bracket!
Is this something that I could have fabricated? Can a welder make one? If so, is the other side just a mirror of the side I have and can be model? Or If Not mirror, how would I get the rigth measurement and angles without having a model?
Or even can I install the transmission and tie/wrap it and the rubber mount to the body with airline cable and be safe enough to drive slowly just to transport it to a place I can store it until I can find the correct one?(I have a place but too far to tow)
Shop notes call this the driver side (the one we have) so I need the other side I think Toyota calls it an engine mount but I also can't find the part number anymore (used to have it)
Long Version AKA. A Series of Unfortunate Results
I had bought this van in Cali working alright and I lived in it for I think over a year working nights at Amazon. But after a long beautiful trip in Southern Utah, transmission died.
I had one shop drop it and took it to another shop to open it and they said I needed a new main shaft so I started looking, found a transmission online we could pull parts from, but the guy wouldn't take credit cards from individuals only business/shops. I called shop after shop asking them if I could pay them to order it for me and they all said no, laibilities.
I went back to the trans shop on a Monday to find to find they went out of business and over the weekend threw everything in the landfill. They might have tried to call me once the week before but left no message.
Well I used everything I had to buy a new vehicle to live in and get to work so I wouldn't be fired and it took me a long time to save but finally I had enough to start searching for a replacement transmission and the only one I could find was legit the same crummy guy who wanted a bank transfer.
I bit the bullet and gave him $750 ($500 +$250s/h) with shipping address to the shop and had my van towed to the shop expecting a transmission. Nothing came. Texts and calls for weeks back and forth one time he said he shipped it, the next week he says "oh that was a different toyota". I mean I felt so ripped off, as hard as I worked for that these weeks were excruciating on my anxiety levels and I honestly could have had full panic attack. I just couldn't afford this to be a scam.
Well FINALLY the transmission arrived and the shop gets it and they are going to install it so of course I say yes get a new clutch kit and resurface flywheel (they charged $300 ouch) and then we find out there is no mounting bracket. WELL there is ONE of TWO. And when I asked the guy I bought it from his response "not my problem".
Finally someone here pointed to one in a yard literally blocks from where I'm now living (now paying rent in a home) that had a manual of the right year and I got to the yard and they told me they CRUSHED it... YESTERDAY.
Since then Its been several months trying to get people to check out yards all over where vans were listed without saying automatic or manual (they are always automatic) or checking out ones of the correct year only to find the years were listed incorrectly, and I never did find a replacement.
The shop has had it for over a year now and this week the RATE GOES UP TO $20 A DAY STORAGE. Unless I get that bracket and finisht the job.
So if I don't get that bracket I literally just have to junk the who vehicle and I'm going to lose everything.
Is this something that I could have fabricated? Can a welder make one? If so, is the other side just a mirror of the side I have and can be model? Or If Not mirror, how would I get the rigth measurement and angles without having a model?
Or even can I install the transmission and tie/wrap it and the rubber mount to the body with airline cable and be safe enough to drive slowly just to transport it to a place I can store it until I can find the correct one?(I have a place but too far to tow)
Shop notes call this the driver side (the one we have) so I need the other side I think Toyota calls it an engine mount but I also can't find the part number anymore (used to have it)
Long Version AKA. A Series of Unfortunate Results
I had bought this van in Cali working alright and I lived in it for I think over a year working nights at Amazon. But after a long beautiful trip in Southern Utah, transmission died.
I had one shop drop it and took it to another shop to open it and they said I needed a new main shaft so I started looking, found a transmission online we could pull parts from, but the guy wouldn't take credit cards from individuals only business/shops. I called shop after shop asking them if I could pay them to order it for me and they all said no, laibilities.
I went back to the trans shop on a Monday to find to find they went out of business and over the weekend threw everything in the landfill. They might have tried to call me once the week before but left no message.
Well I used everything I had to buy a new vehicle to live in and get to work so I wouldn't be fired and it took me a long time to save but finally I had enough to start searching for a replacement transmission and the only one I could find was legit the same crummy guy who wanted a bank transfer.
I bit the bullet and gave him $750 ($500 +$250s/h) with shipping address to the shop and had my van towed to the shop expecting a transmission. Nothing came. Texts and calls for weeks back and forth one time he said he shipped it, the next week he says "oh that was a different toyota". I mean I felt so ripped off, as hard as I worked for that these weeks were excruciating on my anxiety levels and I honestly could have had full panic attack. I just couldn't afford this to be a scam.
Well FINALLY the transmission arrived and the shop gets it and they are going to install it so of course I say yes get a new clutch kit and resurface flywheel (they charged $300 ouch) and then we find out there is no mounting bracket. WELL there is ONE of TWO. And when I asked the guy I bought it from his response "not my problem".
Finally someone here pointed to one in a yard literally blocks from where I'm now living (now paying rent in a home) that had a manual of the right year and I got to the yard and they told me they CRUSHED it... YESTERDAY.
Since then Its been several months trying to get people to check out yards all over where vans were listed without saying automatic or manual (they are always automatic) or checking out ones of the correct year only to find the years were listed incorrectly, and I never did find a replacement.
The shop has had it for over a year now and this week the RATE GOES UP TO $20 A DAY STORAGE. Unless I get that bracket and finisht the job.
So if I don't get that bracket I literally just have to junk the who vehicle and I'm going to lose everything.