View Full Version : Fuel filter leaking after new install

06-23-2020, 08:53 PM
I put in a new fuel filter and it is leaking from the top and bottom banjo fittings, in between the metal rings. I can't seem to get it on right to stop this. I switched back the the old filter and it was doing the same thing. I tried it with old metal rings and new ones, but for some reason there is still a leak on both top and bottom.

Have any of you had similar issues?

06-23-2020, 11:39 PM
Those "metal rings" are called crush washers and they are single use. Did you happen to reuse them? if so then that would explain the leaking. Get new copper crush washers and reinstall.

If that was not the problem, then check the surface of the banjo fitting to make sure it doesnt have a huge scratch or chip that would affect sealing.

06-24-2020, 12:07 AM
It was leaking the first time I used the new copper rings.

I ended up fixing the leak by getting some light grit sand paper and a wooden block and sanding both sides of the banjo fitting. Then I torqued on the bolts much harder than I did before, which I'm sure I won't like if I ever replace it, but it did stop the leak

06-25-2020, 09:59 AM
I recently had the same problem after the van had sat for 10 plus years. loosen the 17mm banjo bolts before
loosening the 10mm retainer bolt. I almost twisted up the lines, it was so tight. emery cloth on a small block cleaned things up , and no leaks. new pump and clean tank and it fired up after all that time. :redvan::yellowvan::greenvan: