View Full Version : Stalling on low oil pressure

06-09-2020, 12:55 AM
I have a 1984 Toyota Van and I've been trying to track down a number of problems.
One of the more dangerous is that sometimes I have to step on the gas to keep the engine from stalling.
The problem is intermittent. Sometimes it's really bad, and sometimes it doesn't happen at all.
A lot of the time I know it's going to be a problem when I first start the van. I'll start it and it'll immediately stall. If I give it just a little gas it will usually get going, but sometimes it will sound kind of rough and struggle before it smooths out.
Other times I just have to keep giving it gas. If I try to change to any gear I'll need to constantly be stepping on the accelerator to keep it from dying, so sometimes I'm stepping on the brake and keep hitting the gas at the same time during the periods where I don't want to be accelerating.
Once I get to a place where I'm not stopping, like say the highway, it tends to not really be a problem.
Any ideas what could be causing this?

06-09-2020, 05:29 PM
How do you attribute to low oil pressure?

06-09-2020, 05:52 PM
It seems to stall when the oil indicator on the dash is under the middle line.

06-09-2020, 11:48 PM
The stalling has nothing to do with low oil pressure.

06-09-2020, 11:56 PM
Huh ok, what do you think could be causing it?
My next best theory is something on the EM-2 manual page in the ROUGH IDLING section.
I have been working on doing a number of things like:
-Changed the spark plugs
-Changed the spark plug wires
-New Distributor cap
-Adjusted timing

06-10-2020, 01:15 PM
Another thing to check for is vacuum leaks. Also check the intake hose between the throttle body and MAF.

06-10-2020, 02:05 PM
The stalling has nothing to do with low oil pressure.

Nothing to do with low oil pressure and besides unless you attach to an oil pressure gauge you are just guessing because the oil pressure sender units are notoriously in accurate

06-15-2020, 12:28 AM
Is there a thread about where I need to spray to look for vacuum leaks?
Or a place in the manual that lays out where all the vacuum lines are that I might need to check?
I've heard I should use ether or WD-40 and watch for if the RPMs go up when I spray. Do I do that while it is idling though?

06-16-2020, 12:24 AM
Good news!
I found this weird connector between the hoses unplugged.
After I plugged it in was when the stalling got really bad.
My friend looked at it and we adjusted the idle and now it has stopped stalling.
The theory is that this is some sort of vacuum connection. The idle was probably already slightly out of alignment. So when I plugged it in it changed the amount of vacuum and the idle got even more out out of whack, magnifying the problem.
Anyone know what this plug is?

06-16-2020, 11:04 AM
its the fast idle-up air valve for when the engine is cold. If you leave it unplugged your idle will never be stabilized even when warm. The valve is no longer available and is PITA to replace